Grand Dream continued.

Sep 10, 2003 05:24

It was my original intention to buy a vehicle that could transport six people, at a cost that was as cheap as humanly possible. In other words, buy a vehicle that is so... decreped, that it could be purchased for somewhere around a hundred dollars. Then following the purchase, the vehicle could be worked on until it is road ready.

Unfortunatly, it has come to my understanding that this be a bad idea, and that I am a retard.

Installing an engine, a tranny, wiring, new brakes, tires, etc, would cost so much goddamn money that I wouldn't be able to understand it. My brain would melt out of my eyes. And on top of that, I don't even know how to install this sort of equipment. This will not become my father's project because of my lack of automotive knowledge.

Therefore, I'm going to need one that is road ready. To do that, I need money. I have decided on the only logical way to earn this money quickly and without effort. I call it: Project Stab Devin In The Face And Take All His Money. Or "Project:SDITFATAHM" for short. I can't tell you the details of this project at the moment, but I can tell you this: It involves stabbing Devin in the face.
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