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ww0308 January 31 2012, 05:42:09 UTC

I can vouch, you do have a bangin' body these days.

Love the internet-speak version of Dr. Brownstein's request. I can understand that he takes pride in his work, and has good reason to maximize profit by keeping the procedure very customized and only giving out prices when speaking one on one with a likely patient. But not only does public pricing vastly help the customers, I think it actually makes the whole market much more sane and rational, and winds up benefiting the sellers too. Car and house buying are similar, and even the food market used to be until the Quakers fixed it. ( http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/8467833.stm )

I think your gender identity does affect the people you have sex with. Fortunately, I think you always make sure, in a pleasant, friendly, upfront, honest way, to filter out any potential partners who wouldn't support your transition.

Hope it's not too weird or personal a question, but I think I remember you talking once some time ago about having your uterus and ovaries removed, even if you don't plan on a phalloplasty; has that been dropped from the list due to cost, pain, and lack of benefit?

Good idea about covering up scars with tattoos if they don't heal the way you want. One of the few times I'd wholeheartedly endorse a tattoo.


replicant_rasa January 31 2012, 13:07:59 UTC
y thank you! And you would know, I suppose, as you've seen a lot of it recently. >:)

I think your gender identity does affect the people you have sex with.

True -- I'm sure if I'd had any exclusively straight friends-with-benefits they would have gotten weirded out and stopped having sex with me by now, but it's not like I'm married/with the love of my life and risking losing them by transitioning, which is more what that question is about. Even partners who think they're okay with it often find that they really, really aren't, or that it just changes too much and it's not the same relationship when they're done.

Eh, I'm sure I'll get a hysterectomy eventually, the same way I'll get my wisdom teeth out, eventually. It's just further toward the back of the queue because that surgery, or lack thereof, doesn't affect my day-to-day life much.

Yeah, I probably wouldn't bother with tattoos either, if not to cover scars. (Or not cover, because reputable tattoo artists don't like to work in scar tissue, but distract the eye from.) You have to invest a lot of energy in getting them JUST RIGHT, seeing as they're going to be on your body forever, and if there wasn't any pressing need for them I'd probably never get around to it. But compared to massive ugly surgical scars, even a tattoo that I eventually grew un-enamored with would be the lesser of two evils.


ww0308 January 31 2012, 22:19:51 UTC
Ah, cool, cool. That all makes sense, especially about the real point of the question about how your SO, if any, is taking it.


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