My super power...

Dec 17, 2009 01:24 picking out hot boys, in the dark, while totally fucking wasted. Because then when we schedule a date #2 I'm always afraid that they're going to be significantly less hot than I remembered, BUT THEY NEVER ARE!


His codename is Jailbait, because when we met he told me he was 18 and in high school. Which confused the hell out of me in text correspondence later:

Him: Sorry for not texting you earlier, work ran late.
Me: Work? Oh thank god, for some reason I thought you were in high school.
Him: Haha, ten years ago I was in high school.
Me: [to self] HOLY CRAP, HAVE I BEEN TALKING TO THE PERSON THAT I THINK I'VE BEEN TALKING TO?! Because I recall another guy, significantly less attractive, that also might have managed to get his name into my phone at one point.
Me: [to him] Er... so I met you at Arty, yes? You were there with your friend...?
Him: Yup, I was there with my friend. [THEY WERE BOTH THERE WITH FRIENDS, THIS DOESN'T HELP!!] I think you were quite drunk.
Me: Er... yes. Yes I was. Did I buy you a ginger ale?
Him: Yep. Thanks for the drink. *thumbs up*
Me: Okay... maybe you said you were twenty eight and I misheard you.
Him: No, I told you I was eighteen. But I was just kidding, LOL!
Me: ...Shame on you, picking on poor drunk Gabriel.
Me: PS - You totally look eighteen, btw.
Him: Only because it was dark.
Me: And because you're petite.
Him: AM NOT!

gay stuff, nichoume adventures, dating

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