Everything has been boring me lately. I don't know what it is.
I really need to get Ch. 1 of my thesis done this week. I'm almost there! Then the other two chapters... -_-;;
I got called into work this morning, because so many people are sick, so I'm up super-early. I was going to have to go anyway because I didn't fill out my timecard. Oops! Oh well! I get to do that this morning.
And... I'm going to be visiting my parents this weekend. So that'll be fun! I haven't seen them in ages, it seems. They've been all over the place on a month-long vacation. Semi-retirement sounds pretty alright! Too bad I will never be able to do that!
So, Iraq apparently has deemed health care a basic human right/necessity and given all Iraqi citizens universal coverage.
The Huffington Post has an article about it. Meanwhile, we've moved on to more important things, like determining what you can and cannot call the president when you are angry at him!
Thanks, Joe Wilson!. Has the U.S. government been drinking from lead cups?? Why can't we just come to some sort of resolution about health care and move on? Is it spite? You can't even return a jacket for spite!
Oh yeah. Did y'all see this?
link. A kid was beaten up on a bus for his "choice of seat." While the rest of the bus cheered on the assailants! WTF? The kid being beaten up was white, the majority of the kids on the bus were black... Everyone denied the kid a seat, apparently he has no other choice but to sit next to one of the kids that said "you can't sit here," moved his bookbag, and got beaten up for it. So, maybe the fight wasn't racially motivated, maybe it was, I don't know. All I know is that when people laugh at someone being beaten up on a bus... it's just fucked. All of it is fucked.
We're all fucked. I want to get out of here.
I don't think that things are going to get better anytime soon.
Why can't we just all get along?