Sep 04, 2009 17:25
Oh dear. I'm going to go with a pro/con list.
*I have almost 7 pages written on my thesis (out of 90) and I have tons more to write about, so that's good.
*I got to give 3 presentations for the Writing Center on Thursday.
*I talked to my parents, who are currently in Montana, and they're doing alright.
*First paycheck deposited this morning!
*My fish died on Tuesday.
*I was reminded that outside of my University and future employer(s) I will have no access to health insurance (I have a thyroid condition that no provider that I know of will touch, apparently)
*and one of my coworker basically told me that, were something to happen to me before I had access to health coverage, I would be a thief "like those Mexicans" because I wouldn't be able to pay for my medical expenses.
*My first paycheck was abysmally small.
So, that's pretty much what has happened. It was a mediocre week.