Peter's apartment, NYC, Monday evening

Nov 02, 2009 19:46

There was a lot going on. Peter wanted to write some of it down to help him think it over.

From: Peter Petrelli
To: Sam Winchester
Subject: Miss you


Actually I was writing about something else, but I really do miss you. Hope things are going okay in Fandom.

Things here are nuts. Nathan's down in the polls, so he's freaking out. It's not as bad as last week, but the election is tomorrow. Just have to wait and see. In Nathan's case it looks a lot like never unclenching his jaw but still managing to bark a lot of orders. Maybe that's his second super power.

I'm still trying to track down Sylar, and what's going on with the explosion. The dreams haven't stopped. By the way that's what it looks like when your boyfriend shares information even though that information might worry him. NOT THAT I'M HINTING ABOUT THE FUTURE OR ANYTHING, SAM YES I STILL LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT DEMON THING GOES ON WINCHESTER.

Bet you never knew you had such a long middle name, huh? ;)

I met a guy this weekend named Hiro. He said he was from the future. He also said he knew me with a scar. I wasn't sure if he meant that version of me you met in the other Fandom or what. Anyway, he said that I need to keep going with this Sylar thing. Apparently what I'm doing now is key, though he couldn't get into too many specifics. I think the different timelines confused him.

He did give me a lead though. You'll never guess on what. You know my drawings? Turns out I got them when I met Isaac Mendez. Yeah, the Ninth Wonders guy. Hiro told me to seek him out so I went to his apartment. Unfortunately he died (drug overdose, won't happen to me, no need to panic) but I was able to talk to his girlfriend (who turned out to be the daughter of a friend of my Mom and Dad's. Who says New York isn't a small town?)

You'd be so proud of me, Sam. I did my best hunter impression as I asked her about anything unusual happening before Isaac died. Sure enough, she said he had delusions that he could paint the future. I found pictures of myself that Isaac had painted. One of the pictures had me stealing his portfolio. Lucky for me I have invisibility to make up for not having your skills at taking things when I'm on a case.

That was yesterday. I've spent today going through Isaac's pictures. I haven't figured them all out yet, but there's more leads. He drew the exploding man too. I recognize Kirby Plaza in some of these. Others I'm not sure about the location. He also drew Sylar. I'm trying to track down where he is in those pictures.

Of course I have no idea if any of these are about to happen or already happened, but they're still leads. I'll see if I can track some down tomorrow. Assuming I can fit it in when I'm not trying to calm Nathan down. Or duck out before he and Mom drag me into the insanity with them.

Love you. Miss you.


PS: I think I picked up the ability to control time and space.

peter really buries the lede, plot point theater, email, here comes canon, sam w

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