Sep 20, 2005 09:23
My dreams are getting scary violent....
I just dreamt that I was going to buy something from somebody, then him and a buddy rolled up to my house on dirtbikes, wide eyed as fuck (no helmets). I watched them go to the shed and try to steal a bike, so I went and stole one of their dirtbikes. Somehow..the one who had that one managed to create another out of thin air, and we ended up on the road trying to take eachother out.
Somehow I ended up at a trailer where my grandparents (and some wierd chick from another dream I had earlier that I can't really remember) were all sleeping...I was searching around for my grandfather's revolver, and when they woke up I whispered what was going on to them. I had to whisper it because one of the guys was waiting patiently by the table. I must have worked something out with him...or something. My grandmother wouldn't tell me where the revolver was, but she produced a knife from...somewhere...and told me I would probably like this though. So I took it, and got in a fight with the guy who ended up also creating a knife out of nowhere (dammit I need these manifestation powers) where I ended up stabbing in the side of his ribcage, and as he tried to push it away it drug all the way down almost to his pelvis. I could feel as it tore all the way down. He ended up making a few minor cuts on my arm, before everybody in the trailer got away, and I left him for dead.
Dunno what happened to the other guy.