Revolution 2.03 - Action/Phone

Aug 31, 2011 01:24

[There's really nothing quite like regaining part of your powers over space and time after being without them for so long. Honestly, Wilhelm hadn't expected to be as pleased to have regained them as he is. But he's in fact near delighted, although it'd be hard to tell that from the simple, small smile he has at the age of his lips as he experiments with the power that's been returned to him.

This time? It's teleportation.]

A. Around Town; Action

[You might notice there's a man on top of some of the buildings as you go about your business in town today. He doesn't really seem to be doing anything, just observing the people walking below from on top of the house or building he's currently on. Or occasionally from a top one of the telephone polls.

Sometimes, he'll give a small wave and greeting to those who pass by. Feel free to talk with him, if you want.]

B. Outside 841 Hastings; Action

[Teleporting himself was one thing. Even despite the constraints the human body he was trapped in seemed to have on his use of his powers, to change himself was no great bother.

To affect other things, however? That was a different question

If you're passing by, feel free to notice the man staring rather intently at the car in front of his house. Or, that is, the car that was in front of his house, as in a blink of an eye it disappears from being in front of his own home and is now across the street. Now it's down the street. Now it's resting on top of another car, not crushing it, but gently perched, as if they were Hot Wheels cars and a child had decided to put one on top of the other.

Wilhelm's gaze never leaves the cars.]

C. Phone

[Today over the phones, you might here soft piano melody like this one come over the phone lines. It goes on for a little while, the player completely silent until he's finished the relatively short piece.]

A good day to you all. I've found the music here, while some ingenious and made during the time period, might have become dull for those trapped here for a good deal of time.

I hope I might have broken up the monotony of the music usually played here. It's a wasted day, when one may not be able to enjoy music.

has teleportation, !ic, can play piano, !mayfield

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