Jan 01, 2020 14:38
Any questions about Seiran's back story, quirks, or character?
Any general criticism about her characterization or my playing?
Any requests for a thread with her?
Want to throw a plot my way or discuss in-play ideas?
Feel free to say so here!
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Seiran, well, she comes from a lot of stuff. Her backbone would be an unfinished fanfic of my own (Gambling With Destiny) which has another sheincarnation of Yuugi, but there's a number of changes, both to not spoil anyone on the future of that fic, and to simplify the concept for the DR.
Yep, you heard me, simplify. x3
That said, her concept is also molded by the Horus/Set conflict myth I wanted to slip in (which is actually why I have Set as my "villain" as he's meant more of a anarchist figure with prickly pride than a Pure Evil fellow, if that helps. x3). That led to a number of original things, like the Item aversion issues and remembering past life and so on.
Then there's a certain subtle jab I wanted to make at the ending of YGO!DM. After all, I get that the entire story arc was leading up to YnYuugi moving on, and saw that coming. But then we get YnYuugi making a little speech of "Yuugi's the only Yuugi/stand on your own" after he loses. x-x Nice idea, but when we spend an entire series pushing a "united we stand/stronger together" message and seeing how Yuugi draws his strengths from the people around him? I thought it should've stuck more to the "Atem needs to move on" idea, so I decided to make a "Yuugi" that gets the "you have to face things on your own" idea exaggerated, via back story and friends dying and so on. So a good bit of her ic work has her RElearning to depend on others.
Grumpily message complaints not a good basis for character development? You decide!
Oh, and then there's a lot of her in-the-DR fun, but that's all been wonderfully discovered as we go~!
P.S. There are actually some OCs in the YGODR, in terms of say unseen Duel Academy students and such. Even other canon incarnations aren't odd, like Maakheru, or this curious Sedjer you've got. x3 Just, yes, not many with new faces. (But I'm glad you like her's!)
...yeah, I'm gonna claim this wasn't as long as an essay. >.>
Anyways... hnnn. Kinda makes me tempted to bring in someone from 'ReiYoku' as I'm calling it, but something tells me that'd be bad. xD Though on that note PSH. You think that's an essay, you should see what chaos happens when I get going. xD
Anyways, thanks for answering! (Pity about Piston... ;;n;; ) I do like this look at the final message of DM... ReiYoku focuses on friendship in a sense as well, but also on not dwelling on the past...
Oh, Piston dying in Seiran's Memory's world? Yeaaaaah, that be that. Though of course the roles are flipped in his world, with her dying. I keep the tragic pretty spread out. But on the plus it means they're both still active!
Though now you've got me curious what this ReiYoku is about, not to mention the main character! But whoever it is, I'm happy to throw her at any mentor attempts, with anyone. So I may laugh. x3
This is Yume, (Yuume Kaiba, and yes it's the same first kanji as 'Yuugi'.) but her Bio has been put off for laziness midterms. :I (She uses a pseudonym for... Reasons.)
You'll find more information here, on Shou's account. http://sekmetshou.livejournal.com/
Oh oh oh, and 'ReiYoku' is a mash up of the words 'soul' and 'greed' by the way. ;D
Sorry about doubling... BUT...
Shalllll I start a thread in the DR with Sejder/Mimir for you then? :3 (Because I would LOVE to have a thread between those two. <3 )
But yes, I'm up to any interaction thread you want to start! I'll just warn, my activity may stay erratic for a few days. What with random naps and all.
Yay, colds.
AND... In that case, I will start a thread. -wide grin- And as for more from the ReiYoku verse, once I have this big old character sheet made, there should be lots more info. <3
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