Jan 02, 2005 06:03
i had the strangest dream. I was hanging out with a bunch of friends, then my mom and dad called me from up the street to tell me to come get my christmas present, then they started counting, giving me a certain number of seconds before the gift was taken away. So i took some kids bike and rode up to them as fast as i could. The dream then skipped ahead to some time after the present, i never did find out what it was. But i was sitting on a porch with an upset jeremy. I asked him what was wrong and he turned and looked at me with the most disappointed expression ever and said something along the lines of "this christmas was supposed to be just about us" and he turned away and wouldnt talk to me. In the dream i spent about a year trying to get him to talk to me again. I think i must have either given up on him in the dream or woken up. Either way it was pathetically the most upsetting dream i've had in a very long time. Probably cuz in the dream me and all of my friends were about 12...lol we were all emotional back then. I'm weird about dreams, im one of those people who believes that they mean something... so maybe it means im going to loose something? maybe not jer, but someone close to me? or maybe it has to do with materialism... cuz i took the present and it was seen as a form of deception. Fun things to ponder. anyhoo! just thought i'de randomly share that! back to homework!!! I love you all, hope you all had a great holiday!