Jun 04, 2004 13:12
So I am putzing around on the internert last night, and I get an AIM message from someone I have never talked to before. The message says, "Hi, I have you on my buddy list for a while, and I don't remember talking to you. Where do I know you from?" So we determine that we both played Everquest on the same server. She says that she quit playing on my server and started playing on a new one.
Right off the bat, I am suspicious. I am good about remembering who I give my AIM name to, and this is not ringing a bell at all. Then we start talking about ourselves, and my suspicions grew. She tells me that her name is Angela, which is the name of my ex-girlfriend's best friend. She says she has two tattoos, which I know that Geri got after we broke up, and she said that she lives here in Florida with her fiancee, and I know that Geri came back here to live with the guy that she left me for.
The one thing that made me have doubts that it could be her was the way she typed. I figured that if it was Geri, then she's gotten smarter since I knew her, since this person's typing style was much better than I remembered Geri's to be. However, I was watching what I told her. I knew that if it *was* her, she'd slip up and I would catch it. She started asking me a lot of questions about myself: Am I married, have a girlfriend, have kids, where do I work, do I go to school, ect. She told me that she was in the process of breaking up with her fiancee, and she was moving out.
Well, after talking with her for about an hour, she did slip up. She spelled the word "time" and "tyme", which is something that Geri has done for as long as I have known her. So there it was, she's breaking up with her fiancee, and she decides to come sniffing around to see what I have been doing, and if I was still single. I guess she didn't get the hint when I blocked every other AIM name that she's messaged me with, and blocked her email. Once I knew for a fact that it was her, I politely told her that I had to go and blocked this name too. Then I went and made it so people not on my list can't see if I am online or not.
It really pisses me off that she's bothering me again, and it pisses me off more that she decided to go about doing things in a sneaky way. I can't believe that she thought that she could run something like that past me. She's single and lonely, and she thinks that maybe I'd take her back. She can really go fuck herself.