May have started a family war...sigh.

Jan 14, 2018 22:21

So, today I posted on FB about if you are an antivaxxer then you should probably unfriend me because I am and have always been a big proponent of vaccines. I have been vaccinated for what seems like everything and the kitchen sink due to growing up in third world countries. Meningitis, anthrax, small pox. All of it. Sometimes more than once because my parents didn't have the records in front of them and couldn't remember if I had been vaccinated.I have never had any reactions, excluding an occasional fever. Pretty sure I am not autistic. Am a college graduate.

Anyway, usually I am pretty quiet about opinions on the net, because I want to respect others and try to see things from their side. Trying to see the other side of things I feel is important to fully understanding a topic and maybe understanding where people's fears stem from. But, I may have started a family war on this one, as my cousin is apparently an antivaxxer and told me I was being "overboard" with telling people to unfriend me if they were against vaccinations. My mom and her mom are very close, so this should become interesting. Maybe I am being overboard about this. But I won't back down without scientific proof. There are too many friends of mine who can't get vaccines because of illness or their children are too young to get vaccines who need herd immunity.

Feel free to voice your thoughts on this.
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