And went to DragonCon. The mother of all...well, Dragons & Cons?
I did not get done everything that I wanted to get done, but you know what? Except for a couple of tack stitches to the shoulders of one dress, I did no sewing at con and it was amazing! Well, the con was amazing too, but seriously this was so different from Costume College or Costume Con, where there is this overwhelming "need" to have a costume for day and evening and it must be on par with what you learned or competed at last year. Not saying on par with other people's stuff, just your level of previous stuff.
Well, you know what? No f#cks were given at DragonCon and it was fabulous. And just in case you are wondering what I are some pics.
Alternative Alice -
Kigurumi Panda -
A Nihonium (element 113, named after Japan) Kimono with real wooden Geta shoes and a 113 electron (in their appropriate electron shells, I might add) hair stick -
A GoT Dragon Inspired Dress -
That I sadly did not get any good full length shots of, but did have the best hair on the block courtesy of
saharazara And a Belle outfit, because Disney had to make its way in there somewhere, complete with two out of the three posse members and booze-
Next up is TeslaCon in Wisconsin (which I have driven to know so many times, the address is saved in my GPS). This years theme is...wait for it...PARIS!!! I have less than two months to finish banging out my outfits and despite that looming deadline, I am so excited I could just plotz! 1890s here I come!