Title: Shuo Ni Ai Wo ( Say You Love Me)
Chapter Title: Love
Pairing: KyuMin, EunHae
Rating: PG????
Genre: Romance?
Summery: Sungmin and Kyuhyun can never get along, for anything and they've been stuck sharing the same room for almost 2 years now. Sungmin somehow slowly started devoleoping feelings for his disrespectful dongseng but he cant tell him. How will he deal with his nrequited love?
A/U: er. Sorta like a side story to
Forgotten Falling Stars. Enjoy
It was night and Sungmin couldn't sleep. He kept thinking about Kyuhyun, how he wanted to kiss those lips of his. How he wanted to be so close to his warmth and have those strong arms around him and. . . He mentally slapped himself. What was he thinking?! He hated his dongsaeng, but he isn't the kind of person to let hate get the best of him. He knows he's falling for Kyuhyun. He never actually looked at him so closely and never had fallen in love before, but at the moment, he is positive that love is what he feels for Kyuhyun. He wanted to see Kyuhyun's handsome face again, and those lips. . . So he slowly climbed out of bed and walked towards the other sleeping body in the room. When he got by the bed, he knelt down by the side of the bed and looked at his sleeping face. Would Kyuhyun ever love him back? He wasn't sure and sighed at the thought. Kyuhyun hated him so there was no possible way. He brought up one of his hands to softly touch the side of Kyuhyun's face lovingly. Its like years of hating Kyuhyun just totally left and got replaced with love. Sungmin's fingers traced the smooth skin to the lips. As he felt those lips on his fingers, he can only wonder what it would feel like on his lips. The love he feels inside him for his dongsaeng felt so odd, so strange, but he didn't mind. He isn't use to the feeling. Sungmin slowly leaned in, actually going for a kiss until Kyuhyun's eyes opened feeling something or someone touching his face. When he notice that it was Sungmin he sat up like the wind and that startled Sungmin as he pulled back away quickly and backed up a bit.
"What the hell are you doing??!! I knew it wasn't a good idea to sleep with you!! You must be some rapist!!!" Kyuhyun exclaimed.
How was Sungmin going to get himself out of this? "I-I
"Just go get lost why don't you?!! Go back to your side of the room and sleep. Don't even think about coming back to my side!!!" Kyuhyun exclaimed coldly as he lied back down facing the wall this time.
Sungmin slowly got up and went back to his bed, turning his back to Kyuhyun and curling somewhat in to a ball. This is why Kyuhyun's words always made him feel hurt deep inside. Why it would always pain him so much that he couldn't stand it.He fell in love with the younger man since they met and he didn't even know it. he let out a shaky breathe before tears started to fall from his eyes. he wanted to hold them back, so much, but the feel regardless. That night he cried himself to sleep, but the new thing is, it is from loving Kyuhyun.
Sungmin sat up slowly, rubbing sleep away from his eyes.He sighed as the memories of last night poured into his head. He looked over to the younger boy's bed and notice that he was gone. He lazily got out of bed and dragged his feet towards the bathroom. When he opened the door he saw that the shower was being use. . . by the younger boy. Sungmin blushed a bit as his eyes wondered around on Kyuhyun's naked form, washing himself. To be honest, Sungmin has never seen Kyuhyun naked before, despite all the years of living with him. When he snapped back into reality that he was staring at Kyuhyun too long he immediately slapped himself mentally and closed the door quietly so the younger wouldn't notice. Once he closed the door he leaned his back on it. He never once seen Kyuhyun taking a shower before. Kyuhyun had always saw him, but it was never the other way around. He hit the back of his head on to the door. He felt stupid. Why must he found out he fell in love with the guy hes been trying to hate for the past 2 years?? If he had known earlier . . . there might not have been so much hate between them. He will just have to live with this one sided love. . . Even if there might never be a chance for him. Just then the door opened and he fell backwards, landing on his butt. "Ow. . . "
"What. Trying to spy on me when I'm taking a shower too? You are one perverted Hyung." Kyuhyun told him walking out.
; Sungmin just looked at Kyuhyun with a slight glare as he walked out the door. Sungmin mentally slapped himself as he just laid down on the floor. He was so annoyed at himself now. He doesn't know how he should act towards his
*. . . Certain hours later??? >.> *
Sungmin gave a long sigh as he walked around the park. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to give himself a big slap on the head. He bent down by a nice river, just looking in it. What was he going to do? Should he tell his
dongseng? Maybe he feels the same way to but doesn't want to say it or express it. Maybe. Sungmin was never one for a negative mind. He was going to do it. Was going to tell Kyuhyun that he was falling in love with him. He stood up fast and was about to run home until he bumped in to someone and fell backwards, again. "Why does these things keep happening to me?!!" He exclaimed to himself.
Yah. Why is that??" He heard a familiar voice say.
Sungmin started blushing a bit as he stood up, not making eye contact. He knew it was Kyuhyun. "
er. . Um. . ."
"What ? Are you stalking me now too?" Kyuhyun asked him.
noo! I . . . I just wanted to tell you. . .
er. . . um. . . I'm starting to
fallinlovewithyou!!" Sungmin exclaimed as he went red and closed his eyes shut. His face was all red.
Kyuhyun looked at him disgusted. "I'll pretend that this never happen alright? So can you just leave?"
Sungmin turned to face him. "W-
"I don't feel the same way, nor will I ever will feel the same way alright?" Kyuhyun told him.
"B-But! W-What about--"
"The time I saved you? Well, that was only because if I didn't , the other members would have had my head. So just forget I saved you that time too and leave me alone" Kyuhyun told him coldly as he walked off.
Sungmin stood there heartbroken. He should of known. he was so mad at himself for liking the guy but he couldn't help it. He was going to make Kyuhyun fall in love with him, even if it takes his life!
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This chapter seems short o__o; i'll try to make the next one longer >.>