Jun 18, 2002 23:25
Sorry I haven't wrote in along time but I really haven't had a lot of time. On Friday I went to Cedar Point with all of my friends and I had so much fun. I got a little bit sick after the second ride but I tried not to hurt me having fun. On Saturday I had to my cousins grad party and then I went to Jay's. It was fu!! Then on Sunday I went to church and then to my grandparent's and then back to church! On Monday I had to go do something for my dad and then I helped my sister paint somethings for vacation bible school. And then today I washed my car and went in the pool and then watched hours of tv. No one was home so I was pretty bored. But it was really good to just sit around and do nothing all day. And I had a lot of time to think about a lot of things. I'm still so confused though. LOL So, that has been my summer so far!! I hope it never ends but I know that all good things come to an end!! well I'm going to go now I'll talk to you all later!! Call me if you want to do anything!!