Oct 13, 2013 04:11
My main friendships have been with 17 and 18 year olds. I did become aware of this but I just figured it was convenience. And I'm sure the main reason is convenience. They show up at my house with my kids and we get along so they hang out with me. I'm amazed by them because they are on the cusp of who they will become. I can see the foundation there but they have the potential to go a number of different directions with it. But I think the reality is they don't judge me. And maybe because they seek me as a mentor of sorts. I do have a fair amount of wisdom to share but that's because I have 20 years on them. And not just any 20 years, I have 20 years of "What not to do".
I don't know if I should change this aspect though. Should I go out more with my own peers? Should I seek out something different? Most of the teenagers have moved on with their lives anyway with college and such. Maybe I need to move on as well.
I think I'm stuck in a rut and need to get out. And the path I have chosen for my social life only helps me to stay in my rut.
Something to think about.