1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and write a drabble about (each of) the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
...WEE FOR STUPID DRABBLES, WEEE!!! (..or why I shouldn't write near my bed time. D:)
Ozai laughed evilly, "Yes, my plan is coming in-"
"WHA THE F-" Ozai got kicked in the face by Iroh.
Standing near a ruined building, Lambo stares at the broken down city and sighs, he hope that he would be able to stay longer to help his friends.
Alas, they should be able to do it on their own.....probably.
They will stop their timeline from becoming like this.
(fffff. dammit, I lost the plot for this one. >.<)
Ulquiorra twitched in annoyance as Grimmjow will not shut up and tearing into him about his golf skills, he turns and smacks the golf club into Grimmy's nuts.
Grimmjow's eyes widen as he fell to the ground with a whimper.
Kojiro breaks into a bright smile when he saw Musashi. .....What the hell, did stars just appear in his eyes!? And why the heck did the swordman swear that he just saw a pink background with sparkles appear behind the crazy other swordman!?
Musashi thinks he should get the hell away. Like right now, because this is just getting barraze here.
"...I...I don't know uncle."
*whimpers* "At least, you can't see this Toph..."
"....No, I am still be able to 'see'. ...I feel unclean."
Grimmjow stares and looks toward the other Espada , "...Tell me I am just drunk, and I am not seeing Aizen and Gin swinging their hips around and...some reason have their hands near their head."
Yammy shook his head as he also stares at the overlord and the other shingami, "Nope, they are really doing that."
"...That just fucked up."