Tour cast members?! How illustrious. My next week's secret is so gonna be a picture of that crooked oblong goon Harley Jay, and my cell number in bold print.
Somehow, I feel that with enough therapy and drug rehabilitation, I could survive being bitched about on myspace. Sure, first when my family and friends find out that someone said something bad about me on the internet my friends will no longer speak to me, my parents will die of shame, my puppies will run away, and I will be excommunicated from the catholic church and two major Buddhist sects, but I feel with enough prosaic and EST I will make a full recovery.
Prosaic? Is that the cute new name for Prozac, because no one actually takes it anymore?
EST? Like Eastern Standard Time? Bitchin' Tune Up #1 reference. Unless you mean ECT, in which case I don't know whether quoting Shock Treatment or Feeling Electric would be more appropriate to your tastes.
The sentiment is there, though. I don't know why a bunch of half illiterate kids think their two faced bitchfests about Rent tour members would somehow hurt more than a well stated critique.
Right, Prozac and ECT. You think I would be able to spell drug names. and you could always quote Latter Days, which would be wonderful. I have always wanted electric prods suck in my penis.
As much as I hated her voice, acting, and pretty much all of her on stage, I do believe the girl has more self confidence so that her entire life is not ebded by someone's opinion on rentsecret.
Hey, jerk, you're being an ass. Oh my God, I'm "bitching" you out over the internet. This is ridiculous, there's no point for your post, ohh you put me in my place. I wasn't saying that I am emotionally damaged cause I got bitched out, I was just stating a fact the tour members look at online things like this.
You are kind of stupid. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I think Tracy’s Maureen is absolutely the worst Maureen I have seen, it’s over the top, her voice is pretty much disgusting, and she is a conceited wench.
You and Ciara deserve each other because you're both uninformed. Who else have you seen as Maureen? Um, let me guess, Idina in the movie! Figures. And you obviously don't know Tracy at all if you think she's conceited.
EST? Like Eastern Standard Time? Bitchin' Tune Up #1 reference. Unless you mean ECT, in which case I don't know whether quoting Shock Treatment or Feeling Electric would be more appropriate to your tastes.
The sentiment is there, though. I don't know why a bunch of half illiterate kids think their two faced bitchfests about Rent tour members would somehow hurt more than a well stated critique.
As much as I hated her voice, acting, and pretty much all of her on stage, I do believe the girl has more self confidence so that her entire life is not ebded by someone's opinion on rentsecret.
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