Jiraffe8 wrote....
I do apologize to all who may be reading but it is most likely that over the course of this month and the next most of my posts will be regarding Twilight.
If you do not share my enthusiasm about Twilight please don't be a hater (cough cough
renton6echo ).
And for those of you who do share my excitement feel free to read on.....
Here is my response.
First and foremost! I am not Twilight hater :)
I just happen to not like the cheesy content that is the the Twilight series. Don't get me wrong, vampires are cool, just not emo, stalking, lullaby making vampire, who's only life now consists of a girl who finds herself in constant trouble through her own doing. Honestly, if I had to be stuck with a women who I constantly had to save, I would have chosen purgatory any day. *Raises glass* Here's to you Edward, I don't know how you are going to manage, but I can get you started by numbing the pain. *takes gulp from glass*(...do vampires drink?)
Love You Jiraffe8!