I go about the beginning of this school year with great unease, especially with my decision to stay at home with my mom. Don't get me wrong I get along with her fine, but sometimes at rapid and random moments at a time she yells at me. Not only yells, but throws a bitch fit! In my mind I'm thinking "What the heck did I say to set her off"(cause mothers are just ticking time bombs waiting to explode). And one notes that not only does she yell at you for that single fraction of a second of wrong doing, but she calls you out on all the tiny things that you did wrong for the past week.... depending on the situation it can span to a year...
Now when I think after these "beat downs" I always think... "Do I really want to spend a whole year of my college experience and spend it with my dear "mind terrorist" mother?" My gosh its scary to think that I won't be able to fully experience college cause of a 5"2 asian women who can't comprehend the idea of college=free from mother nest. Clearly I have made the wrong decision here, clearly I shoud have placed myself a whole country apart from her, because she is driving me up a freakin wall. I mean there is only so much verbal abuse I can take, and she puts on a load in like 50 seconds...I mean have you ever been in a situation where a person is snagging punches at you while you are trying to talk to them calmly, but all the while you are getting beaten down cause the other won't stop jabbing at you!! (I've never been in a situation like that but that's how it feels). How am I to go about my life when this wall is holding me back. Even now I feel too isolated from the world and there is no room to break free from my bubble. I can't tell you if my mother cares way tooooooooo much or if you does not trust me at all. I feel that living with my mother in college will stunt my intellectual growth, as well as my independence and maturity. Most kids my age have curfews til 12 while my stays at 9... what am I going to do? I feel....