May 25, 2004 17:08
Here's a few important announcements:
On Thursday, May 27...
-Be sure to wear your class t-shirt so that all of the seniors can be dressed uniformly!
-Right after our LAST exam on Thursday, meet at 2:10pm in the student commons so we can make some noise and show to the underclassmen that we're D-O-N-E! Then afterwards we'll honk our way out of here in our cars from the parking lot onto Wootton Parkway.
-Spread the word to ALL seniors!
In addition...
-Prom: Fri, May 28th from 8pm-12am at The Galleria
-Post-Prom: Sat from 12am-5am in the gym
-Graduation Rehearsal: Tues, June 8th in the gym
-Graduation: June 9th at 7pm at Constitution Hall