2:50 AM 5/23/09 · Ordinarily when I rent something I tend to watch it by myself. However, in this instance, I chose to share it with a friend because, quite frankly, Hank and Mike in the most basic sense was a little unnerving. I was scared, in an of course manly fashion, so I chose to subject it upon a friend.
One look at the box and I think
Stuberyl was about to rabbit, no pun intended, out of my place.
We both wound up liking it bunches.
The movie is rated R and has listed content that is of a strong sexual nature, has nudity, pervasive language, and some drug use. I think that may understate the matter somewhat. More accurately this movie contains nudity, bunny fucking, bunnies swearing, bunny toking on bongs, bunny mastrubation, bunny on bunny violence, bunnies partying with strippers, and just general bunny abuse all around.
What we have here is a coporation, run by Pan who's a Greek God, that primarily runs around the Easter holiday. They employ Easter bunnies. The bunnies are guys in pink bunny suits that has openings for where their faces and hands come out...but it's not like they're wearing suits. They sleep in them, bathe in them, put deoderant on the armpits of the suits, and there's a bunny with acne visible on the back of his suit. Basically, despite the fact there's an evident zipper on the back, these people are literally Easter Bunnies...
...and they make a lot of money doing what they do.
A man named Hubriss joins the company and tries to take it away from a happy focus and more into a corporate greed mindset. One of his first actions is to begin downsizing and the ones that get the boot are Hank and Mike.
It gets really demented from there.
I had a lot more fun watching Hank and Mike than I thought I would. It's crazy demented but in a good way. Even the slightly bizarre furry aspect. I may try to rope one of my relatives into buying it for me come XMAS.