my head is killing me

Mar 27, 2010 15:06

8:18 AM 3/25/10 · I am a long time believer in the whole alien abduction thang. Even if you wanna drivel along with the whole unlikely aspect of aliens travelling so far just to anally probe us mere humans, used to read a lot of Barry Ween, it just makes basic sense. I think it would make perfect sense to anyone that's viewed anything on the History or Discovery channels involving human investigations into the nature of animals... know: tracking them, tranquing them, examining them, and tagging them.

We do it to lower forms of life.

Aliens do it to us.

No real difference.

The Fourth Kind is beautiful example of this but more than that because it's true. It's actually fairly unique to the 'based on a true story' type dramas because of how it plays out. It's not just based on, we have the actual person being interviewed throughout the film, along with actual recordings of sessions involving the phenomena. There are time both she and the actor portraying her, Milla Jovovich, speaking at the same time as well as hypnotic sessions that were done played side by side (screen divider) with the re·enactments.

Makes it all that much creepier given the subject matter.

Whether you believe or not, you should check out The Fourth Kind if you get the chance. My only complaint here is that there's no 'making of' portion, though the deleted scenes were kinda cool.

3:05 PM 3/27/2010 · A curious glance by wikipedia doesn't confirm whether or not the events within the movie are real or not, but it does cast the liklihood in doubt.

genre: alien abduction, genre: aliens, movie: the fourth kind, director: olatunde osunsanmi

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