7:16 AM 3/3/10 · Y'know, if I didn't goto rental stores and peruse all of the new films each visit...I might never have found this movie. Honestly I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not but I'm still glad I watched it.
Cold Souls isn't the typical type of film I watch but it had a couple things going for it that caught my eye. The concept in and of itself is amazing, kinda reminiscent of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. That and Paul Giamatti is in it, playing an alternate universe version of himself, which was just all kinds of irresistable.
That said, and I'm not sure what to attribute this to, I couldn't watch it all the way through. That is, I mean to say, I saw the whole film but I kept taking breaks from it; 4 in all. There was just something about it and the current funk I'm in that didn't mesh well.
I don't want to give to much away. Paul is an actor, used to do films but is more into stage productions now, who feels he's hit a sort of wall. He's not sure what to blame this on and were it not for an article he notices in The New Yorker what follows might never have occured to him.
It deals with soul extraction. Removal of your soul to ease all the tension away from your life. This world has the technology to remove your soul, contain it, and store it practically indefinitely. Their target audience are people that feel they've become soul sick, which anyone can relate to because it happens to everyone at some point or other.
Kinda like my current funk...
...not that, if this technology were really available, I'd ever go there.
Initially Paul isn't sure how he feels after his soul is removed. Although, certain things are readily apparant. His acting has become rather manic, what internal barriers he had developed over the course of his life are clearly gone, and he can't be intimate with his life. He initially tries to deal with the issues in his acting and he handles that by going back to the center and they give him the soul of a Russian poet, they rent souls too. That does help his acting greatly...
...but having this new soul within him helps to realize just how royally he's screwed himself over for giving up his own soul.
So he tries to get it back...only to find its been misplaced.
Stolen actually.
I don't want to ruin that for you.
This is a very engaging film, despite my own issues with it. At points it has an almost dark comedic edge. It's just that it's a bit quirky.
You should definitely check out Cold Souls if you get the chance.