Had an uncontrolably FUN night last night and to top it off, a good day today :) Strawberry champagne is tasteeeeee! Does that make me trashy? That I like 4 dollar flavored champ? Anyway, work seemed to have gone by quickly. After I got off I decided to stroll around Tuttle to see what it had to offer. It offered me this:
- Abercrombie&Fitch: FIERCE cologne
- Cute underwear from the GAP
- A white dress shirt and black tie from Kauffmans for the B&W New Years party
I'm going to be tres chic this sat. :) I want the new year to roll in faster, 2005 is just plain stale right now. I can honestly say that the best part of 2005 was meeting all of the new people I now associate with, i.e. everyone on my lj friends list. Before this past summer, I dunno what I used to do with my time....play tiddlywinks? Nah. I think i hung out with a bunch of lezlies all the time...yep I'm sure it was that because my best friend Cordia is a big little lezlie. So she toted me around like a gay louis vuitton and took me to all the lezlie events/parties and clubbing at Wall St. on days that never began with "wednes"....But that all changed this past august when I met Brien and Danny. They introduced me to the land of homos, and I now have a little house there with a white picket fence and a little garden which I have gardner tend to. My my, that was very homosexual of me ::butches up:: Anyway, point is, is that I love all y'all ::big smile:: :oD