Dec 27, 2005 14:43
Ohhhh I can't wait for new years! This party is well anticipated for and I'm dying to don my semi-formal wear and sip champagne.....if there will be champagne. If not, beer will suffice. I'm sort of glad christmas is over. I mean, it was ok, but it was nothing special in my opinion, and I feel that it's trying to linger on as much as possible. Usually our tree and decorations stay up well into January, about a week or two before my birthday, buI think that I'll find the means to take them down myself sooner than later this year....errr, should I say next year? I mean, cuz I prolly won't take them down until after New Years...
Last night I was supposed to be in three different places at the same time. 1) Go to some Thomas Worthington Theater Alumi thing with cordia at my theater teacher's house down the street from my HS. 2) Go meet brian and friends at union for food. 3) Go stop by old high school friends get together to get sloshed. So I ended up just doing number 3) and having a fun yet, drama filled time....yeesh. It was good to see old friends that I havent seen since HS. Ohhh the memories we dug up :) And then a lot of people left, then some quasi-drama happened which I don't really think it was drama right now, I just was a little drunk, so whatev.....bisexuals are annoying...especially when they are in denial.....