Never thought I'd Do One Of These

May 25, 2004 22:33

:name: Michael Gerard Schmid
:backwards: Leahcim
:Does your name mean anything?: i dunno
:Were you named after anyone?: the saint i think... ironic
:Nickname(s): mike, mikey, STOP!, schmid, schmiddy
:Screenname(s): Yourmom3001
:Date of birth: 10.31.87
:Place of birth: Westwood
:Current location: River Vale
:Religion: Not quite sure, i believe in ghosts though
:Height: 6'3
:Shoe size: 13
:Hair color: brown
:Eye color: hazel
:Righty, lefty, or ambidextrous?: righty
:How old are you mentally?: 10, 11 maybe, but pysically im 105
:What are your best qualities: im fucking clever

Do You Have...
:Any sisters: tina
:Any brothers: jonath
:Any pets: dali
:A disease: acid reflux
:A pager: no
:A personal phone number: yeah
:A leather jacket with studs on it?: hahaha, no but i know someone that does...
:A heroin needle: no, i borrow fahey's when i need it though
:A pool or hot tub: no, not everyone can be that cool, right james?
:A Car: yeaaa.... Mercedes Benzzzz Bitch

Describe Your...
:Personality: funny, clever, long fuse
:Driving: let me put it this way... dale earnheart sucks
Car or one you want: i gost my 85 Diesel Benz
:Room: Blue and awesome
:Relationship with your parent(s): they give me food.. sometimes

Do You...
:Believe in yourself?: sometimes too much
:Believe in love at first sight?: Lust at first sight
:Consider yourself a good listener: hah
:Consider yourself a good friend: to most
:Get along with your parents: my dad, ocassionally my mom
:Save your e-mail or conversations: like one or two
:Pray: not really, i used to
:Believe in reincarnation: perhaps
:Like to make fun of people: live for it
:Like to talk on the phone: yes
:Like to drive: yes
:Get motion sickness: not really
:Eat chicken fingers with a fork: nope
:Dream in color: yeah, i dream about chad all the time
:Type with your fingers on home row: yes

What Was/Is (or Are)...
:Right next to you: water
:in your room: my brother, his girlfriend, her mom, and my mom
:On your mouse pad: no mouse pad; optical mouse
:Your dream date: road trip
:Your dream honeymoon spot: moon
:Your bedtime: when YOU admit you are tired
:Under your bed: there is no under my bed, its on the floor
:The single most important question: What happens when you die?
:Your bad time of the day: 8am
:Your worst fear(s): Hmmm, death
:The time?: 10:58
:The date?: 5/25/04
:The weirdest food or drink that you like?: graveyard soda mix
:The hardest thing about growing up?: not going to toys r' us anymore

:Number: 8
:Color: clear
:Day: friday
:Month: october
:Song: tons.... perhaps "Take Me Out" by Franz Ferdinand at the moment
:Actor: Jake Gyllenhaal (Donnie Darko)
:Movie: Requiem For A Dream, Pi, Half Baked, Super Troopers, Donnie Darko, and Midnight Express
:Food: Brownies maybe
:Band: Strokes, Death Cab, Sublime, Postal Service, and many more...
:Season: fall
:Sport: skateboarding
:Class: music theory or english
:Teacher: all my teachers are rad, cept like 1
:Drink: JD or Jungle Juice
:Veggie: Tales?
:TV Show: OC, Viva La Bam, Tech TV, Mail Call, Modern Marvels, probably more
:Radio Station: K-rock
:Animal: pig or zebra
:Flower: umm

The Past...
:Last thing you heard: me sneeze
:thing you said: "yep"
:Who is the last person you saw?: My brother
:Who is the last person you hugged?: Ember
:Who is the last person you fought with?: Matt and Dave
:Who is the last person you were on the phone with?: Ember
:What is the last TV show you saw?: History Channel

The Present...
:What are you wearing?: PJs
:What are you doing?: Drinking Water
:Who are you talking to?: No one at the moment
:What song are you listening to?:
:Where are you?: computer room
:Who are you with?: no one
:How are you feeling?: tired, soar
:Are you in a chatroom?: lesbians only

The Future...
:What day is it tomorrow?: wednesday
:What are you going to do after this?: wait for a call and watch TV
:Who are you going to talk to?: Em
:Where are you going to go?: To bed
:How old will you be when you graduate?: 18
:What do you want to be?: Rich and Famous
:What is one of your dreams?: i had one the other night, where i killed a dog by accident, and to make up for it, i bought the person a plant
:Where will you be in 25 years?: home

Have You Ever...
:Drank?: Yesm
:Smoked?: Yes
:Had sex?: Yep
:Stole?: nope, i hate thieves
:Done anything illegal?: never... yes
:Wanted to die?: no, death sucks
:hit someone?: what a stupid question... WHAT A JERK, WHAT A BIG SHOT, WHAT A DAD...! Big House Big Street! WOW! WHat a JERK!

:Do you write in cursive or print?: print
:What piercings do you have?: none
:Do you drive?: yesm
:Do you have glasses?: no

The moral to this is... if you read this all the way through, you obviously dig me and need to comment.
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