A New Me

May 25, 2011 12:23

Hello! I'm not sure if any of you remember me since I haven't posted in almost a year. I've basically migrated over to tumblr. However, I'm going to start using LJ again as... well, a journal. I've basically fallen mostly out of the NEWS fandom. While I still appreciate and listen to them, I don't keep as updated, etc. I know that for most of my friends on LJ, we became friends through NEWS.

Since I'll most likely be writing about boring irl things and less about J-Pop, I decided to go through a...

If you can see THIS post, I haven't unfriended you.
Who was unfriended?
Inactive journals, friends that (after scanning the first page of your journal) post ONLY about J-Pop or other fandoms (i.e. just updates on the fandom, nothing about irl things...), people that I accidentally unfriended because I was doing this at 4 in the morning.

Who wasn't unfriended?
Active journals that post irl things as well, irl friends regardless of if your LJ's active or not.

I most likely unfriended a few of you on accident since I did this at 4 in the morning. If you still wish to be friends, do leave a comment or send me a message.

I may or may not go through another mini-unfriending spree in a few weeks/months.

With that said, if you find that you'd like to unfriend me because we don't share much in common anymore, do feel free to do so. No hard feelings.

lj: psa, security: public

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