(no subject)

Jun 09, 2004 15:52

so i havent updated i a while. basically, school's been boring because i dont want to do anything. i hate the last few weeks of the school year because you just start to slack. i dont WANT to slack, but i cant help it. o well.

im so confused about so many things in my life. about guys, about friends, about swimming.
i wish i could know what guys were thinking all the time
i wish i could know what my friends really thought about me and what they really wanted
i wish practices would get better, i wish i could see my best friends from swimming more often, i wish i was on a different team, i wish i was getting better instead of getting worse, i wish my coaches would respect my teamates more, and i wish it wasnt this dramatic.

o goshies. well cassidy just called so i have to go to work for her. ill write later <3

do this survey and do the answers as a comment :)

01. who are you, what's our relationship:
02. how and where did we meet:
03. what's my middle name:
04. how long have you known me:
05. tell me one good thing about myself:
06. when you first saw me what was your impression:
07. my age:
08. birthday:
09. my favorite CD at the moment:
10. color eyes:
11. do i have any siblings:
12. have you ever had a crush on me (boys ONLY):
13. what's one of my favorite things to do:
14. do you remember one of the first things i said to you:
15. describe me in three words:
16. name five things i love:
17. do you think i'm good looking:
18. how would you describe me to someone:
19. would you ever date me (boys ONLY):
20. tell me one thing you've always wanted to say but never did:
21: what do you like most about me:
22: if we could spend a day together what would we do:
23: have we ever gotten in a fight:
24: do you think we will be friends for at least three or four more years:
25. give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
26. what do you think my weakness is?
27. do you think ill get married?
28. what makes me happy?
29. what makes me sad?
30. what reminds you of me?
31. if you could give me anything what would it be?
32. when's the last time you saw me?
33. do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
34. do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and i would listen?
35. are you going to put this on your livejournal and see what i say about you?
36. if i was an ice cream flavor, which would i be and why?
37. what song (if any) reminds you of me?
38. if you could change one thing about me, what would it be?
39. would you make a move on me (boys ONLY):?
40. do i cross your mind at least one time a day?
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