(no subject)

Aug 19, 2005 20:03

Title: Friday the Thirteenth
Author: Chris ( singingchipmunk )
Rating: PG
Summary: Roger's birthday. Big party, wild fun... not so happy ending.
Word Count: 1079
Disclaimer: Still not mine. I wish they were.
Notes: I've had this idea for a long time, and it's something a friend and I talk about. I have a diff variation of this story in Roger's journal. Sorry it's so late. Haven't been online most of this last week. Had company. ^_^

Friday the thirteenth…

Today was Roger’s birthday. Collins, Maureen, April, and I planned the best surprise party we could think of to surprise Roger Davis. Was it even possible? April was the one in charge of keeping Roger out of the loft while the rest of us set up the party.

It wasn’t easy. Surprising someone who wasn’t easily surprised proved to be a difficult task, but we were determined to pull it off. Maureen wanted to decorate the loft, Collins decided he’d bake the cake, though the oven wasn’t working too well, and I was the one who was to get his presents, call the club where we were going to have the party eventually, call his mom to let her know about the party at the loft, and keep Benny away from the loft for the evening. This was going to be fun.

We had originally decided to throw Roger’s party just at the loft with the few of us, and his mom, but April suggested we take him to a club too, since it was his birthday, and she knew him better than anyone. She had arranged a lap dancer to meet us at the club to give Roger a birthday dance: April’s gift to him.

April took him out that afternoon though she almost decided not to. She said she hadn’t been feeling too well, and tried to pawn Roger off on me. I would’ve gladly done it had it not been for the fact I was already up to my arms in setting everything else up. She reluctantly agreed to take him out, on the condition that she stayed home after the party at the loft. I agreed, though Roger would’ve been disappointed.

Nightfall, and it was about that time for April to bring Roger home. She called up for the key, and I dropped it down for her, and she brought Roger up.

“SURPRISE!!!” We all shouted in unison.

“Oh my. A surprise party, for me?” Roger gasped sarcastically.

“You knew, didn’t you?” I asked.

“I overheard you talking to my mom about it this morning. And you thought I was sleeping.” Roger chuckled.

“Well, happy birthday anyway, Roger.” Collins stated, giving him one of his trademark bear hugs.

The party went off without a hitch. Benny called a few times while we were still at the loft, and each time I had to thwart him away, telling him things like, ‘I don’t know where everyone is,’ and ‘no, I’m just sitting here alone reading a book.’ He bought it for the most part, and stayed away long enough for everyone to leave and head out to the club.

April stayed home as she had said she would, and Roger’s mom made it an early evening; having to work in the morning. The rest of us took Roger out to the club for the rest of his celebration. He had a blast. A lap dance was waiting for him there, with all the pre-arrangements thanks to April, and each of us bought Roger two drinks to compensate for the lack of alcohol at the loft.

Unfortunately, during the course of the evening, Roger managed to shoot up in the bathroom of the club. The only reason any of us knew he had done this was because we had all figured out the way he acted while high as opposed to just drunk. Since it was his birthday we let it slide, but Collins and I planned on lecturing him in the morning. Until then, we figured we could let him have his fun.

Around eleven-thirty we figured it was time to get Roger home since we ended up getting him more to drink than we had originally discussed. Again, it didn’t matter because it was his birthday.

We arrived at our building, and the door was locked. Thankfully Collins had taken the key with us, since we figured if April wasn’t feeling too well, she’d probably be sleeping by the time we returned, and we didn’t want to disturb her.

Collins and I were left dragging a very drunk, and somewhat high Roger up the steps to the loft. I, not exactly the epitome of strength couldn’t hold Roger’s weight, so Collins ended up carrying him most of the way.

We entered and the lights were still on. Roger was being loud and obnoxious, talking incoherently to himself, just making a lot of noise.

“Roger, keep it down. April might be sleeping.” I whispered.

“Okay,” He shouted. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

I took a seat on the couch, and Maureen took a seat on my lap. She was drunk too, but not nearly as drunk as Roger. I had a couple drinks too, but seeing as I get drunk much quicker than anyone else, that was all I could have before I lost all inhibitions. Collins had a few too, and all in all we had a lot of fun.

“I need to take a wicked piss.” Roger blurted suddenly.

We all laughed.

“So go to the bathroom, and don’t announce it to the world.” I told him.

So he did.

He walked into the bathroom…

We heard a horrified baritone scream come from the bathroom. I ran in there, thinking maybe Roger saw a spider, or something, and being as drunk as he was, got freaked out.

I saw her…

April’s body just laying there on the floor; blood everywhere. Roger was standing in a pool of April’s blood. I ran out of that room as fast as I could, and threw up all over the living floor. Collins knew something was wrong and ran into the bathroom while Maureen helped me get over my sickness.

The rest of the night was a blur… and not just to Roger. Maureen and I cried on each other’s shoulders while Collins kept his cool for all of us. Roger didn’t cry either. Either it hadn’t quite hit him, or he really didn’t care. But seeing as he was so drunk, and coming down, it probably hadn’t hit him yet.

Watching the paramedics take her body away, Roger just stood still, not moving even slightly. “Who says that there’s a soul…” I heard Roger whisper, just barely audible. In fact, he may not have said anything at all, and it could have been my imagination. He still hadn’t moved, but there were visible tears in his eyes now.

Happy birthday, Roger…

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