(no subject)

Aug 16, 2005 14:33

Title: Happy Birthday, Carl
Author: : Chico (lost_for_jack)
Rating: : G/PG
Word Count: : 470
Summary: : Carl celebrates a birthday. If I tell anymore, it’ll be ruined.
Notes: : I don’t own anything in this story. Not the character and not the lyrics to “Happy Birthday”. I love comments more than I love love :)

Happy birthday to you.

Another person went by without paying. Cheapskates. Couldn’t they just go with the Christmas spirit and pay a guy for his services? He performed his service and watched as they left without a second glace. Flipping the person off when they weren’t looking, Carl continued down his route, pulling his coat tighter around himself.

Happy birthday to you.

Another person went by without stopping for him. It wasn’t like he was a hooker or anything. His services at least were good things. Carl liked to think that they were anyway. It wasn’t like he hurt anyone or threatened people; all he wanted was to do the one thing that God apparently had blessed him with. Doing his job. And doing it right.

Happy birthday, dear Carl…

Sighing, he walked the streets, wondering what to do now. Granted, he was a year older and should celebrate, but what for? Another year of endless ‘jobs’ and glares that never ended? Yeah, let’s celebrate that. Scoffing at himself, he brushed off the snow that was falling onto his coat before stepping into an ice cold puddle of ice water from the curb. Perfect.

Happy birthday to you.

Making his way through the crowd that had suddenly rushed out of the stores. Christmas shopping had unceremoniously ended for the day. Which only meant one thing, more pity-filled looks. Just what he needed. Walking past the bakery, he felt his mouth begin to water. What he wouldn’t give for a donut. He reached in his pocket and drew out the few coins that he had earned. Thinking that it would be best to wait until the end of the day when either he would have more money and, or be extremely hungry and would therefore appreciate it more, he continued on his way.

He did better in the second ‘shift’ of his job than the first. It seemed that after they had purchased their items and had the stress off of their shoulders, they were more willing to let his perform his duties. He had even been tipped a whole dollar. Thanking the man, he actually felt himself grin, something he hadn’t done in quite a long time. Happier than he had been when he first awoke, Carl made his way back towards the bakery, walking in and buying two chocolate filled donuts. Why not splurge, he figured, it was his birthday after all.

Taking the well earned, prize filled bag back to his home, he opened it slowly, breathing in the sweet scent. Smiling broadly, he picked one out and took a bite, savoring it, and waving to a car as they drove past, “Honest living, man!” This wasn’t such a bad birthday after all, he thought. It was rather perfect, really.

Happy birthday, Squeegee Man, happy birthday to you.
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