Topic 124

Apr 29, 2006 02:10

I wanted to be a mommy and a wife.

And a dancer, and a singer, and a princess, of course. But, mostly, those two things. I dreamed of meeting a man who’d love me more than anything in the world. I imagined returning all of his love. We’d be crazy about each other.

We’d marry and be happy as can be. I wouldn’t need much-preferably clothes on our backs, food on the table and a roof over our heads. We wouldn’t even need blankets- we’d keep each other warm at night.

Then, we’d get the news- I’d be pregnant! We’d be overjoyed, we’d be terribly excited…although, I may be hard to live with over then next nine months. But it wouldn’t matter, because the second we saw our baby’s face, held our little baby in our arms, pinched their little toes, everything would change for good. The second we saw our baby, our lives would have purpose.

Maybe he’d work. That’d be fine with me, as long as it was fine with him. I’d stay with our baby; I’d feed them and bathe them, be a stay at home mom. That was my true ambition-to be one of those housewives that you saw on one of those old TV shows in the fifties-absolutely perfect.

When he came home, I’d kiss him and give him his dinner. We’d talk about our days, and he’d hold his child close. Ask if they’d been good for their mommy, and they’d hiccup in response. Then, we’d sit on the couch and fuss over our baby. The little dear would fall asleep on its daddy’s arm, and I’d fall asleep on his other. Perfect.

We’d watch him or her grow up-and we’d have more, maybe, too. There would be little rivalry between them; we’d be sure to divide our time equally among our children. And, we’d watch them all grow up together, having all the moments children are supposed to have, from the beginning to the end.

Of course, our end would only be the beginning. After they go to college, their cycle would start. They’d fall in love, get married, have children. We’d be active grandparents, hopefully still healthy and strong enough to play with them, talk to them, all the things grandchildren should have in their grandparents. I could buy them little outfits, and make cookies for them!

And, at the end of the day, when the children were back at home with their children, we’d be together, holding each other close, never separating, not for the world. Even after all our years together, our love would still be strong.

I used to dream about the future a lot as a child. I always figured, there must be a life better than this. There must be.

Look at me now, though. I have all those things, and more! I have an amazing husband-one I wouldn’t trade for the world. Even though he doesn’t always believe me when I tell him how amazing and beautiful he is, he IS.

There are the babies-not just one beautiful child, but two! Tobias and Juliette. Even though they’re not ours naturally, they are OURS. Nothing can take them away from us-we’d give our life for them If that isn’t parenting, I don’t know what is.

I’m not a natural woman. I’m not healthy. I’m not gonna live to see my babies become adults. I’m not gonna be a grandma.

But I am a wife and a mother. I’m living my dream. I wouldn’t trade my Collins, Juliette, Tobias, Mimi, Roger, Mo, Marky, hell, even Chase for anything my childhood dream had to offer! I’m more than happy with things the way they are. I’m ecstatic! I’m thankful for each day.

I’m not living my dream. What I’ve got is so much better than any dream.

Angel Dumott Schunard
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