Advent Calendar: Dec 8th

Dec 08, 2009 10:43

Universal Index / Calendar Index

Revive won't come out of the kitchen. Well, not really the kitchen, but the huge doorway from the living room to the kitchen, where the mistletoe is hung-- he won't go more than a couple feet away.

Every time someone comes near, he rushes to be under it, and in this way everyone is obliged to give Revive kisses: Al, Neil, Tieria. Lyle, who does it laughingly, picking up his nephew and giving him a wet-sounding kiss on the lips that makes Revive squeal with laughter. Halle, who does his duty without comment and without ceremony, along with Saji who kneels and gives Revive a smack on the lips and a tight hug.

(The fact that the liquor table was cleverly made of the kitchen counter, which none of the children were tall enough to reach, made sure that Revive got everyone.)

Klaus looks like he's "about to have kittens" in Neil's words, but he still does it, following Saji's example and kneeling but not giving him a hug. Revive pouts, of course, but Klaus is immune to it and besides-- Anew is here now.

She giggles and pushes Revive over, then walks into the kitchen freely.

Kati and Patrick thus escape their first brush with fate (or Revive's lips) because Revive chases Anew around the house, tromping all the way up to the third floor and back down again before he catches her in the middle of the kitchen, pins her, and gives her a slobbery kiss. Both of them are laughing, at least until Anew punches Revive and pins him and gives him his return kiss.

"Sneaky, just like a girl!" Revive declares, and resumes his position. Anew sets up camp beside him.

Kati laughs merrily and gives them both kisses and is allowed to pass.

Patrick, on the other hand, balks. For a moment anyway. Al catches Anew giving what he can only describe as a poor, pitiful child look and he sighs and picks her up and kisses her easily, then leans down and kisses Revive as well. On the cheek. And muses his hair.

At least, Al thinks, that gets Revive away from the mistletoe for a while.

al haptism likes fucking furries, klaus grado prefers panties, anew returner mannequin wears the pants, kati mannequin has better plans than you, revive revival dylandy wears dresses, neil dylandy majored in sociology, saji crossroad is a good little puppy, halle haptism will fuck your shit up, lyle dylandy majored in masochism, patrick colasour is not a homosexual

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