Drabble Meme: first collection

Jun 24, 2009 06:54

Drabble meme
Collections: first second third fourth fifth

Yeah, so, this thing has been a raging success but we've somehow managed to catch up on all the requests so far. You know what that means? It means you should go request more things. :D

Setsuna and matches

He can't help glancing back, as he leads Hallelujah Haptism to the kitchen, to make sure Ali is not following. Setsuna is not allowed in the kitchen. He has not been allowed in the kitchen since either the fourth time he got caught sneaking food or the first time he tried to set fire to the living room. Since they happened at the same time, it's hard to tell which one was the turning point.

It's stupid, though. He knows Ali is dead. He saw the body. He heard the bastard's spine snap. And yet, he looks back.

Hallelujah doesn't say anything. He just stands so that he blocks neither line of sight nor escape routes while he casually explains how to make the most efficient use of accelerants.

This is how Setsuna decides that Hallelujah Haptism is more or less all right.

Tieria's first time with Regene

"Let's have sex." Regene demands, all of a sudden.

Tieria stares at him. "I think you should go back to the doctors and ask them to re-evaluate your hormone levels. Clearly faulty."

Regene is wearing fake sparkly eyelashes; when he bats his eyelids they glitter ridiculously. "It's for science, Tieria. The amount of pleasure I gain from sexual encounters is proportional to the number of mirrors I can see myself in at the time. Hypothesis: having sex with you is probably nearly as good as wanking in front of the mirror. Maybe better."

"You are insane, and your pick-up lines are lacking," Tieria informs him. Regene appears to have hit puberty with all the force of a cock-seeking missile in a dildo shop, but Tieria doesn't see why he should have to be pulled along with this nonsense.

There is a brief pause. "I'll let you put electrodes on me~"

Tieria puts his book down then, because Regene will never hold still long enough to be a proper test subject under normal circumstances. "Agreed." Really, the things he does for science.

Ribbons and Regene, Regene POV

Ribbons' fingers curl around Regene's jaw, their touch feather light. "You are everything I have ever wanted."

Regene doesn't believe that statement for a second, but he's cunning enough to hold his tongue. It won't do to show his hand too early. Besides, there'll be plenty of time for that later. Once he's fleeced the bastard for all he's worth.

Regene gives the tip of Ribbons' cock another lick, then lifts his head. Smirking, he carefully extracts Ribbons' wandering hand from his hair, pulls it to his mouth, and kisses the fingertips. "Coming from you, that is compliment indeed."

Ribbons smiles demurely, the smug fucker, then places his hand back in Regene's hair and pushes down until Regene is almost choking on hard flesh.

Regene snarls internally, but outwardly he moans like a wanton whore.

"I think I might buy another of your paintings." Says Ribbons idly, his hand on Regene's cranium not yielding an inch. "That one of the boy and the angel is particularly exquisite."

It'll cost you a lot too, thinks Regene. But that thought is derailed when a sudden wave of hot pleasure is forcibly thrust into his mind.

Regene moans for real this time, and Ribbons smiles.

Ribbons and Regene, Ribbons POV

Regene does not like being ignored. It's very transparent; probably, Ribbons thinks, leftover from some dreary childhood trauma or other. Ribbon's own 'childhood' was not exactly, as Hilling would probably put it, all puppies and rainbows and shiny pointy things either.

The difference is, Ribbons did something about his situation, instead of developing a grating need for constant validation. Ribbons deals with it by flirting with Regene outrageously, then later, when Regene is on his knees or bent over a desk, or in some other position fitting his main function in this world, by using him roughly and calling Hilling's name when he comes.

It drives the manipulative little slut absolutely livid, and watching him try to hide his rage is entertaining enough to make putting up with all his other antics worth it.

Besides, if Regene wants adulation, he can always go to one of those married lovers he's constantly blackmailing, or that skinny, wriggly little whore of Al-Saachez's he's so fascinated with.

Ribbons is just here to remind him of the gap that remains between mortals and their gods.

Billy's feelings for Graham

He knows that what Uncle Homer does with the boys he brings home isn't wrong.

He knows because Uncle Homer told him so, many times, before Billy hit a growth spurt at fourteen and Uncle Homer stopped doing them with him.

He knows, but he still hides his face behind a book in the empty library and tries not to listen to the sounds from upstairs. Sometimes what you know and what you feel aren't quite the same thing. Just ask that Graham kid, whose words say important warrior secrets while his eyes say tears.

Lichty and Christina

Lichty can't help comparing her to Neil. It's not that he misses Neil, because... well, okay, he does miss Neil a little. Neil is the one and only person he's dated and it would be unfair to... to.

Christina's looking at him over her shoulder and he sees half of her smile, easy and flirtatious and it just makes his breath stop.

Everywhere Neil's reserved, she's free. Everywhere Neil would say 'it's complicated', she smiles that same smile and gives him an explanation he only half hears because his heart is beating so loud in his ears that it deafens him.

She's not interested. He knows she's not, because she tells him. Even so, he's glad he came to France. Just knowing her is enough for him.

Kinue and Saji

For her fifteenth birthday, Kinue gets an eviction notice, addressed to her mother. She adds it to the pile, and goes to do her morning deliveries.

When she gets back from work, Saji is up and clattering around in the kitchen. She doesn't know why. She's fairly sure they're out of groceries, unless a miracle happened and her mother came home already and actually spent money on food.

She goes to see what he's up to, and stops still.

It's not actually a cake. It's a pile of chocolate biscuits that Saji has stuck together with some sort of icing. Two piles, one for her and one for him; hers is slightly bigger. There must have been an odd number of biscuits.

Also a card, decorated with a slightly lopsided flower and the words Happy Birthday in Saji's round, childish writing. He could have gotten the paper and pens from school. She's no idea where he got the food from.

"There's no candles," Saji says, tiny apologetic voice. "So you can't make a wish."

"Sure I can," Kinue tells him, and hugs him tight. "If we go up on the roof of the building tonight we'll be able to see the stars, right? We can both make a wish."

Mollified, Saji hugs back, and then silently hands her the larger biscuit-stack. "Happy Birthday."


When Al races in and grabs the scissors from Revive, Tieria knows it's more for Revive's safety than for want of saving the prototype that Tieria had taken home from work to put extra hours into. But all the same he feels relieved when he realizes that it was only the thin external shell Revive managed to mangle.

Tieria pulls the wreckage of the shell into his lap and wraps his arms around it and just stares down at it. Despite Revive's destructive tendencies, the cuts actually aren't... if he changed the internal mechanism, he could have two flaps for arms to extend from instead of merely one. It might...

"Revive," Tieria says, breaking through Al's lecture on things Revive's not to touch. As soon as he speaks, Revive stops squirming and Al stops talking. Tieria smiles at them. "What would you call this sphere-bot?"

For a surprise, Revive actually thinks about it for a minute. Then he smiles and says, "Haro!" and pumps his fist in the air--right into Al's chin. "Oops."

Al glares, but the only thing he says is an exasperated "Geez, Revive," before going to find something to stop the bleeding where he bit through his lip.

Tieria gathers Revive into his lap, and begins explaining what he aims to do with the creation of Haro.

Does Halle play kid games with Revive?

"Uncle Halle Uncle Halle Uncle Hal-le!" Revive chorused, jumping up and down. He'd gone to put his pajamas on--the ones with the footies--and brushed his teeth and washed his face and now. Now came the bedtime stories.

Halle, sitting on the couch, just said, "What, runt?"

It didn't take long to climb up on the couch and squirm his way into Uncle Halle's lap, book clutched tightly to his chest. "Read me a book."

"Didn't they teach you to say please?"

Revive gave his best glower and spat a "please" and held up the book.

Uncle Halle read him the book, with his own extensive and uncensored commentary to go with it; Revive decided maybe he wouldn't pee on the bed in the middle of the night after all.

Lyle, Setsuna, sports

Basketball, Lyle had already decided, was going to be right out; Setsuna seemed to regard any suggestion of giving him a "handicap" with a great deal of suspicion, even when certain basic facts (laws of physics, even) suggested one might be required.

Rugby they don't really have enough players for. Lyle is frankly a bit rubbish at cricket. Snooker he tries once, although he should have known better when Setsuna gave him one of those blank looks and pointed out that people normally bet on these sort of games, didn't they?

Somewhat out of pocket, Lyle decides that footie was the safest option after all.

But he might see if he could sneak the idea of a "doubles" pool game past his brother and claim Setsuna for his team. Neil won't know what hit him.

Does Setsuna ever date, or is he saving himself for Exia?

"You'd think he was married to that motorcycle," Klaus says, shaking his head.

He doesn't mean it seriously; it's just that Soran doesn't date, Soran doesn't show any interest in all. Soran does occasionally do things with Saji that Klaus prefers to pretend he doesn't know the details of and that Lyle explains to him with Bonobo metaphors and that neither Soran nor Saji appear to think actually count as sex anyway.

Which is fine, because Klaus doesn't care whether Soran dates or not. He just can't help but notice that Soran's attitude towards the bike (sorry, 'Exia', because Soran gets annoyed if you don't use her name) is somewhat, um--

Anyway, Saji's response to Klaus' offhand comment is to laugh behind his hand for about five minutes straight. It wasn't that funny, Klaus thinks, and then surely not, and then after that he just decides that in this case, like many other things relating to Saji's family, he's happier not knowing.


When Saji wakes up from his nap, Setsuna is with Exia. He wriggles into a sort of upright position, sitting with his back against the tree and the blanket pulled around him, to watch.

Just watch, because he's still kinda tired and also he doesn't want to interrupt. Setsuna is straddling Exia, sort of like he's going to ride her except you're probably not allowed on the roads naked. Saji smiles, because Exia makes Setsuna happy and that makes him happy.

He doesn't actually have to watch the way Setsuna presses down, grinding against the soft leather of Exia's seat, to know that Setsuna is happy, but he does anyway. Maybe because Setsuna has done that to Saji before, lying on top of him, the weight and the feel of skin on skin making Saji warm and secure.

Saji watches the way Setsuna's hand sneaks out along Exia's side, and tries to run his hand along his thigh in the same way. (It's easy, because his clothes are still hung over a tree branch somewhere, drying). It tickles.

He musn't be doing it right. Setsuna doesn't tickle. Saji watches him some more, and tries again. When he gets it right, he has to push his free hand (and some blanket) against his mouth, because he really doesn't want to interrupt.

He just wants to watch Setsuna. Setsuna, who is happy.

Okay, and he also wouldn't mind sneaking in between Setsuna and the motorcycle, but that's for next time.

Setsuna, Saji, drugs

He selects carefully; there are a limited number of substances which Saji doesn't not react badly to, which in addition to that, have an effect on Saji that Setsuna approves of, which in addition to that, Saji likes taking, which in addition to that, Saji doesn't like taking too much.

He does it like this; Saji lies on his back, naked. Setsuna lies on top, knowing that his weight, pressing down, pleases Saji and calms him. He pushes the pill into Saji's mouth; Saji's tongue wraps around his finger before he swallows.

Then Setsuna waits. He watches Saji's eyes and he pays careful attention to the way that Saji's body wriggles beneath him. As the drug takes effect, Saji squirms more, pushes up against Setsuna's body, finds a rhythm.

Setsuna places a hand on his throat and waits for Saji to come. With the sort of drugs he picks, it never takes too long. That's always the first stage. The following stages depend on Saji's mood; no matter how carefully he picks the drugs, he can't ever quite predict what Saji will want.

But he does know that whatever it is, it's something Setsuna is willing to give him.

Saji, Setsuna, second blowjob

The second time Saji gives Setsuna a blowjob, Setsuna is cuddling him.

Only he's not, really; they just happen to be in the bed together, and Setsuna happens to be petting him to stop him doing that annoying shivering thing, and Saji's head happens to end up in Setsuna's lap. And Setsuna happens to get hard, which is nothing at all to do with Saji.

But when Saji turns his head a little bit more so he can suck Setsuna off properly, it feels kind of right, so Setsuna doesn't stop him.

Ali, Setsuna, drugs

"Say please," Ali purrs and you want to flinch away from that tone (it's never meant good things for you) but you're already pressed flat between the wall and That Bastard. The whole thing was supposed to be-- but then you didn't, so Ali didn't, and you drank something and Ali's jackal-grin afterward was enough for you to. To just hit the peak of whatever Ali gave you and try to arch and be stuck and remember that, oh yes, you're supposed to be asking please. Right.

You lick your lips, gone dry from panting, from the things the drug makes your body do. "No," you whisper, and your voice grows louder as you continue. "No, no, no, no, no, nnnnooooo- oooh- oh--"

And Ali's hand drops away from your cock even as you arch up for more. No, no, not fair, you think, and give a whimper-whine in your throat as you squirm. Ali's giving you wiggle room now; he must know the drug is finally taking effect.

"Ask for it, Setsuna. I'll feed you more until you do."

"No," you gasp immediately, shaking your head. Shaking your body, all over. No control, even when Ali forces you from the wall to the carpet. "No, I hate you, no, I--"

"Do you? You say it so often, the words have lost their meaning." Ali's voice is smoother than normal. It means-- something, something that has nothing to do with the way it feels to have him hold your legs apart and lean down to take your cock in his mouth.

"Yes," you moan, helpless, almost crying. "No. God, hate you so much, Ali."

Ali stops for a moment, pulling away entirely, leaving you devoid of touch in a way that makes you sob openly, womanish tears rolling down your cheeks as you protest weakly. "No, please."

Once again that overwhelming touch is there, hands pushing your legs farther apart than is comfortable, mouth doing things, doing, things, "Stop," you whimper, because you're going to shake apart at the seams if you get much more of this. "Ali, stop, stop, stop."

For a wonder, he does. Ali stops and pulls away and your hips try to follow but his vice-grip is there, a million tons of immovable-- "Please," you say, almost a whisper. A hoarse whisper. Were you screaming? You hadn't thought you were, but... "Please, fucking please, I fucking hate you so please just fuck me."

Words. So many, because you just want to get this over with. It's been at least a couple days. Very little sleep. Mostly teasing and drugs. Mostly wearing down and down and down. Your eyes roll back into your head as Ali's fingers wrap around your cock, and despite how much you want to you don't hate it when Ali's cock presses against your entrance, because at this moment you actually need it.

"Sure about that?" Ali asks, as his hands smooth up your sides from your hips to your chest, and back down.

"Y-yes," you pant, the taste of the word unfamiliar, consent, like it even matters at this point. You just need to be touched, need what you wouldn't even want normally.

"And nothing I could say would change it?" Sickly sweet and you want to shake your head or nod or make it stop, the you-you not this you.

But this you just swallows hard and lets your need fuel your emotions and growls, "Do it."

Ali leans over you, chuckling, and you shiver in a bad way because that laugh really never means anything good for you. "Little Soran." Something's up. Ali hasn't called you that in at least six months, not even when he's humiliating you. But you just want-- "A father should always be the one to make a man out of his son."

You don't, can't, process the words. You only feel the way his cock presses, insistent, and you don't realize until after that you begged your father to take your virginity.

Tieria's man-pregnancy isn't news because...?

It's certainly the weirdest IVF she's ever taken part in, starting from the fact that Tieria Erde comes to her with two embryos all ready to go and moving right along to the fact that Tieria Erde has a penis.

She thinks about going to the media with it, but she doesn't do anything more than think. It's not so long since Linda's own daughter was born, and she wouldn't have taken kindly to a hundred yahoos with cameras coming after her for a story. She makes sure that Tieria understands the risks, conducts the embryo transfer with a needle because there's no vagina for the catheter, and doesn't say another word about it to anyone until it's time for the C section.

Ali and Saji

Saji is different from Setsuna. It's no challenge to bring him to tears; the art of deepthroating has thus far proved to be beyond him; he's freakishly pale and thin and his bones break much easier than Setsuna's.

This is not to say Ali doesn't care for his elder son, because he does. He cares for Saji bent over the back of the couch, or bracing himself against the kitchen counter, or on all fours on the cool bathroom tile. He just cares.

Because Saji is different from Setsuna. Ali can't tell Saji that he's his father. Ali can't wind Saji up on drugs so bad that Saji can't breathe for wanting to be fucked. Ali can't rent Saji out to the same sick fucks he rents Setsuna out to, because dresses are one thing-- eating shit is quite another.
No, Saji has his limits if Ali wants him to remain halfway sane.

The only problem with halfway sane is that it's also halfway insane, which leads to things like Saji requesting that Setsuna kill him and Setsuna obliging. Ali thanks the god he doesn't actually believe in that he walks in just as Saji's face is starting to go from red to a deeper, darker shade.

For once Setsuna doesn't see it coming when Ali punches him. He thinks he knows what is happening next, but Ali just hauls him off the bed and slams him against the wall hard enough to knock the air out of him. "Don't interfere," he growls, and Setsuna's expression is his own brand of shock when Ali crawls onto the bed and kneels there, not touching at all while Saji gasps in precious air.

At first his hands shake and his heart races, and he wonders exactly how fucked up this is. That he's upset. That he cares enough to get upset. But as Saji's breaths calm from ragged, panting things to something more like normal, Ali's body follows suit and he turns his mind to a more pressing problem: Setsuna. Specifically, the fact that this will happen again if he doesn't come up with a sufficent deterrent.

"Saji," Ali murmurs. "Did you ask Setsuna to kill you?"

"Yes," Saji whispers, hoarse even at such a low volume. Ali can see bruises starting to form around his throat.

"Do you know why he was going to?"

Saji shakes his head. A wise move, not speaking for fear of tone giving it away. The only thing his face betrays is that he's scared shitless.

"So I couldn't do this." With that, Ali proceeds to do everything to Saji that he hasn't done, short of actually telling Saji that Ali is his father. All the while he reminds Saji that Setsuna was trying to spare him this, and that he failed Setsuna and failed himself and just fucking failed. So now he gets to do the only thing he's marginally good at, which is choke on cock like his life depends on it.

Which, it does. Ali makes sure Saji knows it. And he makes sure that Saji knows, whatever Ali's doing to Saji will be ten times worse when he does it to Setsuna. Not to mention that it'll be Saji's fault, for not caring enough about Setsuna to just. fucking. swallow.

It's a lie: Saji does, and the way his son's throat milks his cock makes Ali want to be their age, so he can be hard again in minutes and ready to fuck Setsuna and Setsuna's defiant expression into the mattress until the blandness is the only thing left.

He's working on preserving such a delicate balance, Ali thinks as he holds Saji's cheek between thumb and forefinger. Gorgeous tears and firm indifference. Saji wanting to die and Setsuna willing to kill him. Making Setsuna less volatile and Saji less... suicidal.

"Good boy," Ali says, deciding that praising tears could end up interesting. The way Saji lights up says better than any words that Ali struck gold. "You do want to be a good boy, don't you Saji?"

As a bonus, Saji's eager nod and breathy yes make Setsuna glare death at Ali.

Cop!Klaus, Setsuna, some fucker with a knife, Setsuna POV

It is not difficult. Setsuna knows exactly what to do when someone tries to stab him. Hallelujah's self-defense training was very thorough. In fact, the only problem is that the man is far too slow; Halle never held back for him.

Klaus Grado looks as though he is not sure whether to be impressed or appalled. After careful consideration, Setsuna decides that next time, he will try not to break his assailant's wrist. It will probably lead to less paperwork.

Cop!Klaus, Setsuna, some fucker with a knife, Klaus POV

Klaus hates taking the new kids out for training. Eager new recruits usually have little to no idea of how much of police work is simply not teachable in fucking college.

Since he's always complaining about the honor students who simply don't understand how the world works, when that time of year rolls around, Shirin decides he should mentor Soran.

She manages to frame it so he can't even argue. At least Soran's quiet. Klaus'll give him that.

Shirin says they've been having problems with VEDA in the west part of the city again, an area Klaus knows well. It's ridiculously easy to track down the dealers. Step one, find addict. Step two, point out that telling Klaus where they bought the shit is a much better idea than getting arrested. Step three, repeat step two and move up the foodchain until you find somebody who'd rather be arrested than found in the river three days later with a bullet behind the eyes. Arrest them.

The delicate part of this equation is knowing when to call for backup; there's always the chance that someone will take option three, trying to put a knife in your guts.

He does warn the new kids to pay attention, and at least half of them do, and if they pick up a few scars along the way, well, the best school is the school of hard knocks. The job does come with medical, after all.

But he's not so hard on them that he doesn't try and keep an eye out on their behalf, until they learn better. That's how, during Step 2, mid-frisking suspect number one, he sees suspect number two, knife in hand suddenly decide to rush Soran, who is standing between his hiding place and the door.

Klaus' mouth falls open to warn him; he's too far to give assistance in time.

He doesn't actually need to, because Soran grabs the hand holding the knife and twists. It's impressive. It's also going to be a fucking pain in the ass if suspect number two decides to sue, but Klaus can talk his way through that one ('junior officer, spur of the moment, self defense') if Soran keeps his mouth shut.

'If' Soran keeps his mouth shut? Klaus almost laughs, and decides maybe Shirin did know what she was doing when she put them together after all.

Still, he's going to ring ahead on the way back and make her put through the paperwork.

Haptism self-defence lessons

"And this," Halle says cheerfully, "is how you break the cocksucker's wrist. Don't get your hopes up, Lyle."

Setsuna watches closely as Halle demonstrates the necessary sequence of movements on Lyle's arm in slow motion, ending in: "Then you give it as much pressure as you can, as fast as you can, and don't let go when you hear the snap. People get real pliable when you're holding them by a broken fucking bone."

Lyle only looks slightly disappointed that his wrist is still intact.

Lyle and Neil's first time

The thing about Lyle Dylandy is that he makes everything into a competition.

The thing about Neil Dylandy is that he lets him.

"Bet you I can last longer," Lyle challenges one day, lying in bed with his hand in his shorts.

"You're on," Neil accepts. He doesn't really expect Lyle to take the shorts off and crawl in bed with him, but it's not like he's going to object; they have a bet, and Lyle has this thing about pushing the envelope, and looking up into his brother's eyes is like looking into a mirror that laughs and insults his stamina.

Somehow their hands migrate until Lyle is pinning him to the bed and grinding frantically against him; they both stifle their gasps because you never know who might be listening, except that Lyle bites down lightly on the corner of Neil's jaw and Neil lets out a full-throated moan. He's getting close; they both are, but Lyle's lagging behind. Determined to win at any cost, Neil slides a hand in between their squirming bodies and wraps it around Lyle's cock.

Victory sounds like this: "Hah, you've got no fucking staying power, Ne-- ohfuck."

Defeat, on the other hand, doesn't have a sound; it has a taste. "Bet you can't last another minute," whispered in his ear and roughly fourty seconds later: the uniquely different flavor of Lyle kissing him after he's licked off Neil's messy fingers.

Does anything good ever happen to Graham?

It's not the perfect score on his history exam that makes Graham happy; he expected that. It's not the fact that Billy's fifth celebratory beer washes the omnipresent guilt off his face and they have an entire conversation like normal people, or at least like normal drunk teenagers arguing about predestination; it's not the fact that Billy cooperates enthusiastically with moving the celebrations from Graham's couch to Graham's bed, nor is it the fact that Graham doesn't once think about Billy's uncle the whole night, although that certainly helps.

It's all of the above plus waking up next to his best friend and knowing Billy finally accepts the title.

Lyle, Halle, Neil

The usual method, when Lyle and Neil tag-team somebody, boils down to a twin at either end no matter how you slice it. Neil decides, bracing his hands on the table to either side of Lyle's, that he doesn't mind the deviation. About half of that decision has to do with Halle fucking him into Lyle, hands bruise-tight on his hips; the other half has to do with the filthy beautiful things Lyle says when Halle lets go of Neil with one hand and slides it forward under the edge of the table to stroke Lyle's cock.

Hilling and Regene

"I'm gay you crazy bitch," Regene growls, as Hilling traces her delicate, womanly fingers from his collarbone down his bare chest. He shivers, and tries to pull away from the touch.

She laughs, a high sort of giggling thing, as she brings her finger back up and touches his nose lightly. Regene makes a face at her.

Hilling's sadistic smile doesn't waver at all. "Don't you know that's just an invitation for me?"

Crossdressing Ribbons

Alejandro Corner is a man of decadent tastes: antique furniture, fast cars, dressing his 'adoptive son' in the finest lingerie that money can buy.

"You're my angel." He croons, his breath laced with the smell of expensive champagne, and his hand creeping up the outside of Ribbons' thigh.

Ribbons lets him. Plays the game of dutiful servant. Offers no resistance as diamond rings are pushed onto his fingers. Even smiles as Alejandro's palm cups him through the delicate lace.

"My angel…" Alejandro presses a kiss to Ribbons' mouth.

But what Alejandro doesn't realise is that angels are far greater than mere mortal men.

Ribbons is biding his time, but he knows that he will find out just how mortal Alejandro is before the end.

billy katagiri likes underage whores, feldt grace isn't a lesbian either, al haptism likes fucking furries, regene regetta will make you cry, shirin bakhtiar says it subtly, crazy graham is a cocksucking weeaboo, drabble meme, revive revival dylandy wears dresses, saji crossroad is a good little puppy, halle haptism will fuck your shit up, se-chan f seiei is not your japanese, lyle dylandy majored in masochism, alejandro corner grows his own catamites, tieria erde has the best birthdays, ribbons almark is your god now, ali al-saachez has your illicit anything, kinue crossroad loves her brother, homer katagiri likes 'em nice and fresh, linda vashti didn't alert the media, more than twenty character tags, klaus grado prefers panties, lichtendahl tsery ran off to paris, christina sierra isn't a lesbian, hilling care is your god's sister

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