Fanfic: Maureen // 037 sound

Jan 10, 2006 19:11

Title: Chaos
Characters: Maureen, Joanne
Prompt: 037 sound
Word Count (if fiction): 299
Rating: PG
Summary: Maureen observes the New York night.
Disclaimer: Not mine.

Maureen sat on the fire escape, her feet dangling off the edge. The heel of her foot rapped softly against the cold metal of the railing, making a gentle clicking sound as her foot kicked back and forth. The New York night buzzed before her eyes. She looked up at the violet-black sky. She knew the stars were up there somewhere, shimmering in a silent twinkle. Distracted from her unsuccessful star search, she heard the gentle hum of an airplane. She often could hear the planes take off from the nearby JFK airport.

Maureen’s attention drifted to the sounds emerging from the thin walls. The couple next door made lots of noise, often times shouting obscenities in Italian and yelling at their little boy. The constant shouting got annoying after awhile, but she figured it all evened out with Joanne’s constant accusations.

Maureen didn’t know what she would do without the constant noise. It was almost a part of her. It was as if she couldn’t function in the silence, without chaos or an uproar.

Seeing a fading pink in the sky, Maureen carefully climbed off the fire escape and back into the apartment. She tiptoed in to the small bedroom she shared with Joanne. Joanne’s sleeping form was on the bed, her gentle breathing the only audible sound in the room. Maureen stood there gazing at Joanne, watching her chest rise and fall in rhythm with her breathing.

Recalling her previous thoughts, she took them back. Crawling between the sheets, Maureen admitted to herself that sometimes the quiet was okay. She could get by on silence, as long as she had love to go along with it. Because she knew deep down that you couldn’t have love without some chaos, and you couldn’t have chaos without noise.


fanfic: maureen

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