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Feb 13, 2005 13:46

thursday was our last season bball game we played oharah and we won im really gunna miss basketball a lot but we still have playoffs and emily got pulled up to varsity so im excited about that and im kinda happy for softball to start i miss it anyways friday was sorta random plans got messed up and stuff oh well me n julie after school went to get our nails done n then went to mighty for dinner n timmy hos for some dessert lol then we went to my house got our stuff n went to her house we shaved our legs then showered n i like put back on my school uniform bc i was so lazy n i knew our plans wouldnt work out..then lauren arianna n ashley came over n we sat around until pat mike paul n kyle came over we just sat around n stuff other plans got messed up nothing new there...then i just slept at home n went to bed sorta early....saturday i woke up and arianna invited us over to watch the notebook so lauren hazelet picked me up n we went to fairys it was me lauren arianna ashley n julie...the notebook was so sad i cried but not as much as julie...but basically i want my life to be that movie so much its so cute but reality is no guy will ever be like that to me im def dreaming oh well...so me n lauren persuaded everyone to go to the west dance ash ended up backing out n arianna went with her west friends so me lauren emily n julie went together we got ready at ems n then danielle took us to the dance there was some drama with getting into the dance but thanks jessa webber for letting me use ur id ily! we all ended up getting in after some drama so it all worked out there wasnt that many ppl there but all the ppl im friends with were so it was fun ahahah luke was so funny i think he danced with every girl there rich tony habes n all them were there n then mike licata anthony irwin joemo mike maritato matt mcdougle n all them were there it was pretty fun ahahah holly was really funny she gave me fricken a shocker every min and she def had the quote of the night " she looks like shes in pain " and " i gave up mastrubating for lent " ahahhaha o man i love her and i saw my sammy hammy, butter (megs), heather, justyna n everyone i hadent seen them in forever then after the dance we all went to mighty but i couldnt eat ne thing bc i gave like everything up for lent then me n jewels stopped at timmy hos n walked to my house n cath drove julie home this morning i went to church n saw harry as ususal and i have a lot of homework that i just dont feel like doing im so happy after this week is winter break= a week off annnnd kyler comes home!! ive also come to the realization that i do not have a valentine =(

" and thats what you get for falling a g a i n
you can never get him out of your head "
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