Back from sabbatical...

Dec 15, 2009 08:38

Okay, it is more like back from weeks of pacing the floors trying to work off nervous energy while we wait to find out just how much our life is going to change, but you all get the idea.

(There might have been some obsessive dusting, mopping and Oblivion playing during that time but I am admitting nothing)

It is changing a lot, btw.  Sigh.

I used to be this 'fly by the seat of my pants' person...always ready for any change.  While I still write that way, the rest of me seems to be rebelling against any major changes.  When I sat down to begin going through boxes and drawers I realized this is the longest I have lived anywhere.  We have been in this city for ten years and in our house for almost eight.  I have never lived in one place for so long a stretch of time.  I have always suffered from what my grandfather called 'the wanderlust' and moving has always been an adventure.  This time around I am nervous and upset and kind of dreading the move.

Last time we moved we had one kid, healthy parents and we were moving to an area with family and friends.  This time we have two kids, including a teenager, aging parents, (his have heart issues, my mom has RA) and are moving NORTH to a city we have never even visited.

(okay, technically North Carolina is not actually North, but you guys get snow...and seasons...I don't even own a coat)

Enough ranting.  As I clean and pare down (where did all this stuff come from???) I am also cleaning out my computer files and links and I suspect I will drop my LJ fairly soon.  I didn't mind using both but lately I can't even -read-  the journals I like on LJ for the page-sized pop up ads that keep showing up.  I have good blockers in place and they still show up.  So my next thing is to hunt down everyone I like to read on LJ and either add them here, or cajole them into moving.  ;) 

moving kinda sucks, north carolina, back on dw but not so much on lj

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