
Sep 06, 2008 16:14

An actual update with updatey-ness.

1 - Computer
I got a new computer yesterday. This you already knew. Said computer is being a compete bastard, however, and Dustin has spent the last three hours cursing at it cause there is something wonky with the Norton Antivirus. Not even 24 hours later and I am already biased against ShadowNight. WORK, DAMN YOU!

2 - Parents
Before I got computer yesterday, parental units came over to see what we've done with the place since last they were here it looked like a work site and not an actual home. They thought everything looked very nice.

Also, Mom was doing... Okay, I suppose. I don't think I've mentioned it here as of yet, but she found out on Tuesday that her position and one other position at the YMCA in Marshfield has been discontinued. So, after 20-something years of dedicating her life to the YMCA, she has been dumped on her ass on the curb. She was given a few hours to clean out her office, she will get paid through the 15 of September, and she will get reimbursed for all of her unused vacation days - but otherwise? Nada. Needless to say, she was extremely upset.

On the bright side, she will be applying for unemployment, and she has been told that there are a lot of jobs available for someone with her experience (physical and special education), and with all of the people who she helped as well as Dad making waves about her sudden dismissal, I can only hope Jon (new CEO, who has rather been butting heads with Mom since he started in July was it?) will rue the day he made this decision. I doubt he'll go so far as to beg her to come back (though you never know - she did pick up an awful lot of slack there), but that won't stop me and the rest of my family from taking sadistic pleasure in his suffering for the next few weeks.

Now she's just kind of dealing with this sudden abundance of free time she has. She and Dad are finally starting to take some serious steps with improving the homestead, and Mom is thinking about going back to school to get a Business degree and start her own wellness center of some sort, since she really did have quite a following with older YMCA members, many of whom would probably be more than willing to follow her to a new place if she did start her own center or get a job at the clinic in therapy or some such.

So, yeah, she has options. It's just the hassle of going through the motions to achieve those options.

3 - Dinner with Parents
Anyway, Mom is doing okay, and it was extremely nice to sit and catch up with her and Dad last night over dinner after I got the new comp. We went to a grill of some sort near Best Buy that we had all smelled on numerous occasions and had been meaning to try. I can't remember the name, but they got some good stuff there. I had a Soup and Salad thingy that came with fresh bread and a really tasty cinnamon spread.

4 - House Stuff
And lastly, I now have cable in my room at the Point House. Dustin just finished installing it all of a half-hour ago. Yay frying brain cells from the comfort of my own bed.

5 - Ow, Headache
Gonna go lay down now.

computer, parents, day summary, point house, ymca, family

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