(no subject)

Mar 23, 2008 09:10


Which gives me an excuse to post the epiphany that hit me a few weeks ago when we did a Movie Night involving Goonies - Opera Singing Brother Fratelli = Koyla from SGA!

I would've posted it then, but I was Hella Tired and didn't actually make it all the way through the movie before I crashed. I was going to post it the next day, but spaced it. Thought about posting it numerous times since then, but I figured you all had enough "Dude, where the fuck did *that* come from?" moments to deal with, so I thought I would wait until next time it was in the slightest bit of context.

Shutting up now. Maybe I'll make muffins... ::ponders::

Happy Easter to those those who celebrate it, and Happy Sunday to those who don't.

holiday, sga, movies, easter, food

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