Mar 13, 2008 18:32
Today's high temperature? 52 DEGREES FARENHITE!!! And it was SUNNY! HELL FREAKING YEAH!
Oh, spring... How I have missed thee.
Granted, I'm sure this warm spell is only going to last a few days and then we'll be all frozen and cold again, but OMG, FIRST SIGNS OF SPRING ROCK! I totally had a Shamrock Shake to celebrate. Okay, so it's not a *McDonald's* shake, it's from the Plover Drive Through, but it is the same thing only cheaper, which is all for the good with my lack of funds right now.
Wheee, Spring!
Also, to make the day even better, I only had two swim lessons to teach tonight, and all of the kids were *listening* and *swimming by themselves* and that just totally rocks.
swim lessons,