(no subject)

Mar 03, 2008 14:44

Wow do I miss my "fic pages" bookmark folder. It was all full of websites I could go to for almost guaranteed good fic, and I could be all "Hmm, what am I in the mood for..." and go through the list and pick something Stargate or Doctor Who or Random Multi-Fandom Pages and a bunch of other stuff and I could totally amuse myself for the next half hour before I want to go to the Y and swim laps because I want my pants to fit again, darnit. Stupid weight loss last summer that forced me into size 9 instead of size 10... ::grumbles mumbles:: I would totally have no qualms about wearing size 10 again, but all my size 10s are ripped in very inconvenient and hard to fix places, which is why I went on a pants-shopping spree last summer. It was just bad luck that I hate wearing belts and all of the size 10s I tried on required belts unless I wanted to be showing off my crack to people. Which, no. Who the hell wants to see the crack? Seriously? Why, people? Not even skinny chicks can pull of the crack-showing - it just looks like your pants are too small!


Okay, so I totally went from my intended "I want my bookmarks back!" spammity post to butt cracks... Even I'm not entirely sure how I managed that one.

My brain is the queen of WTF! Bow to me, minions!

Stopping now.

crack, weight, bored, wtf, clothes, spam

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