(no subject)

Feb 14, 2008 16:47

What should I be doing:
* reading a bunch of articles and answering questions on them (I guess one is 60 pages long - ugh) for my 391 class. Due tomorrow
* reinstalling Excel in hopes that I can actually do my statistics assignment, which is also due tomorrow

What have I done instead:
* Watched the two newest episodes of Torchwood (and even with The Ending, I'm thinking I might actually keep Reset just for the Martha and Jack banter. And Martha and Owen. And Martha and Ianto. And Martha and Gwen. You know, Martha just makes everything better.

What am I doing instead now:
* reading Yuletide fic (I'm all the way up to "Mu"!).

Yeah, I totally suck with the homework thing.

homework, procrastination, spam, torchwood

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