(no subject)

Dec 25, 2007 17:51

Season's Greetings, Everyone!

Yes, I know, out of focus big time, but lookit the pretty lights!

Anyway, we went to Gramma's for Christmas dinner today. Me and my parents were there, plus my Aunt Sandy and her whole family, as well as Aunt Susie and her two kids. There were also two boyfriends - Don and Tom, one belonging to Gramma (lays claim on Don) and Cousin Marrium (which I totally spelled wrong, but her's is Tom). I got a slow cooker and some deicer, which should come in handy. The new cooker is much better then my old one, so now I have to figure out what to do with my old on. Maybe I'll give it to Dan.

Anyway, it was a fun gathering. Not quite the party with all the cousins and grandchildren scattered amongst the presents under a the tree on Christmas Eve that it used to be, but it was still good company, good food, and cool stuff. I took a bunch of pictures which I may or may not upload, depending on how lazy I'm feeling.

christmas, holiday, presents, family

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