(no subject)

Nov 06, 2007 22:32

* While the special effects of the "car plunging into water" left something to be desired, the cut with the photos at the end totally made up for it. That tag was *extremely* well done, to the point where it now out rates The Coin Toss from Farscape in my book. Nice.

And now I want a screen grab of it. Don't suppose anyone knows where I might find one?

In other news, the urge to buy a sketch book and actually put it to use has come over me. So I went to ShopKo after class and picked one up, and now the first page is covered with a pretty nice sketch of a woman/girl looking slightly over her shoulder with her hair partially obscuring her face. I suck at faces, so I had hoped to make it cover *most* of her face, but so far the pencil isn't agreeing with me. Stupid pencil.

getting my artsy on, drawing, art, ncis, spoilers

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