First day of classes at Stevens Point

Sep 04, 2007 16:52

(updating this via the Update Journal thingy on the website and am totally not going to go through the effort of spell checking it. You have been warned)

As I predicted, parking is a bitch, and I'll have to head back out to the parking lot and move/put more money in the meter in a half hour or less, but otherwise, the first day has been okay. Of course the first day would have to be a Tuesday, and of course Tuesdays are my longest days, but at least I have a lot of time between classes.

First class: Intro to Cartography, 9am
This would be my big lab class this semester. And I'm pretty sure that I'll be working my ass of to stay caught up. The teacher is my advisor, and I've kinda sorta alread met him a few times as he was also a teacher my father had when he was coming for his second bachlors degree back in the late 90s. Hopefully I'll have more luck in the class than Dad did cause it's mostly computer based (we'll be reading and eventually making maps), and Dad has never been all that computer savy. Even with the work, though, I think it should be pretty interesting.

Second class: Intro to Geographic Imaging Systems (GIS) - 3-4:50
While this one isn't technically a lab, and it's only worth two credits, the teacher flat out said that we'll be doing almost as much work as we would be doing if it was a lab class. Which means a bunch more homework. Bugger. Teacher seems really fun, though, and it should also be quite interesting. More maps, wohoo. Okay, so not really wohoo. More like "Ugh", but still, these kind of skills are like gold when it comes to the job market, so it is a necessary evil. Also extremely computer based. We shall see

Third class is my GEOG 100: Environmental Science class, which doesn't start until 6:30 (and it goes until 8:10). Being a night class kinda sucks, but this is one of the classes I'm looking forward too most. Wheee, Environmental Science! Will talk about it after I finish tonight.

Now I'm gonna go move my car or fork over an additional two and a half dollars so I can stay parked where I am. Ugh, I hate parking on college campuses.

ETA 5:07 - Oh, yeah, I also talked to The Emmies today between classes! We were both bored and she called me first, but I had my phone on silent and didn't hear her, woe! So then I called her back, and the same thing (or something similar) happen to her cause, yeah, at school, and then she called me back and we chatted and then she went to class and then she called me back ten minutes later because the teacher for the class she went to had resigned on Friday, which amused me.
/spazzy run on sentence

school, classes, first day, cartography, environmental geography, stevens point, gis, uwsp

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