(no subject)

Aug 15, 2007 21:33

Roommate meeting thing was a bust - girl didn't show up and didn't call or communicate otherwise to give a reason for the not showing up bit. Hazard of scheduling a meeting with someone you don't know, I suppose.

However, the trip wasn't a total bust. Dad and I looked at the boarding house kind of set up that I had called a few times for information - we decided it wasn't worth the $200 a month, and some of the "neighbors" really didn't look like people I wanted to be sharing a bathroom with. We also drove around randomly looking for other places to rent in the area. Found a really nice studio apartment near campus for $380 (utilities included! YAY!) that opens up on the first of September. It's a little out of my price range, but if I can get it before anyone else lays claim, I totally will (and then I will have to ask my grandmother to take pity on me again for this semester and give me money, cause, yeah, did I mention out of my price range?).

On a slightly different note, I am this {} close to a total burn out. Work is starting to really ware on me (but we got paid today, yay! Almost five hundred dollars this paycheck around, which is extremely nice), and all this stress with school starting soon and trying to find a place to live and being able to *afford* it through the entire lease period and trying to squeeze my friends in somewhere between now and Sept. 4 (which is extremely challenging as I am working 7+ hours a day at the Y, all of it either in a pool that never feels warm enough these days or on a hot pool deck, so I am either chilled or over-heated, and as a lifeguard, it's a constant state of awareness because You Never Know) is really starting to get to me. I'm no where near freaking out yet. However, passing out due to utter exhaustion or having a bit of a cry fest because I'm so friggin' tired and in dire need of a break (or being an over achiever and doing both) are well within reason.

exhausted, lifeguarding, school, tired, work, apartment search

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