SGA/Flash Gordon dream

Aug 11, 2007 14:53

Last night I watched the series premier of the new Flash Gordon on Sci Fi. It was a little corny, but since the original movie was Corn Ball Supreme (with a kick ass sound track), I suppose it was to be expected. Not sure I'll keep watching, but it was a fun way to pass the time.

Early this morning, my subconscious mixed up the theme for Flash Gordon with the ideas behind Stargate Atlantis, which gave me a surprising mix of slight corniness paired with quite a bit of actual plot and drama that could work scarily well as a crossover.

So, I give you "ATLANTIS! AAAAh-aaaaah... Atlantis!"

* Ronon and Teyla were an item; it wasn't really official, but everyone knew about it. And Ronan BRUSHED HIS HAIR! No dreadlocks, though it was still long, and he had part of it pulled back into some really cool looking braids and twists while the rest of it hung loose to somewhere below his shoulders.
* However, Ming's evil daughter was sent to seduce Ronan. Teyla got extremely jealous.
* there was also a bad guy who later started attempting to make the moves on Teyla. I can't remember if it was Ming himself, or if he was just a minion, but either way, I woke up before he had gotten very far with her. Any way, Teyla and Ronan take turns trying to make each other jealous.
* Shepperd and Mckay bantered and snarked a lot at each other! Only... it wasn't McKay. Instead, John's BFF was some black guy who I think they were calling Tyler maybe? Anyway, he looked a lot like that alien (in his human disguise) from 5th Season SG-1 who gave off a pheromone to make the rest of the team think he was a member of SG-1.
* At one point, after or during the fight, it looked like Atlantis had been transported entirely into the land of Mongo. At least it did if the lighting was anything to judge by.
* At some point, there was a huge fight between Bad Guys and the Atlantis Team. John and Tyler were injured and there was a scene of them being carried away on stretchers. John was still awake, but Tyler wasn't moving and woe, John was sad because he wasn't sure if his BFF was alright.
* I also remember Elizabeth standing over someone lying in a bed. Whether it was the Chair O' Torture that Ming's head of science was using for Flash, or if it was just a bed in the infirmary, I cannot remember. But where ever it was, it had that same kinda eerie reddish orangeish lighting that the World of Mongo (oh, god, every time I type that name, I see Mongo and his ox from Blazing Saddles. Then I see them getting sucked into a dimensional portal ala Flash Gordon and beating the crap out of the guards sent to retrieve them. I am amused) has.

There was more, but alas, I cannot remember any of it. And none of what I typed under the cut is in any particular order.

dreams, tv, sga

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