Note to my f-list:
Not that anyone really talks to me much online these days except Luke (::waves at Luke::), but for the record, along with feeling kinda anti social, I've also been reading, like, an actual *book* instead of just fan fiction like I usually do (
Rhapsody by Elizabeth Haydon, if anyone cares. Doesn't move quite as fast as some of the fantasies I've read, but I'm not sure if that's because it's a 600+ page book and the text is extremely small, or if the story just doesn't fell the need to rush seeing as it is doing a very gook job of keeping me reading anyway). So, I haven't been online because paperbacks are lighter than lap tops, and they don't have the tendency to radiate as much heat, either, which can be a kinda unpleasant side effect of note books during these stuffy Summer months.
Anyway, if you really want to get a hold of me over the next few days, email is probably your best bet. Or comment in my LJ. Like I said, I really don't think anyone will have the need to contact me, but I just wanted to let everyone know that obviously, I am not dead, just distracted and not online anywhere near as much as I usually am. Just an FYI.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled friends lists.