Live Free or Die Hard

Jun 30, 2007 19:16

Went to see Live Free or Die Hard with Luke. There were gun fights and explosions and car chases and general loud explodey-ness. It was much with the good!

* I loved Matt. I really really did. I would happily have his computer hacker babies. He was a true specimen of computer geeks everywhere, with his long hair and scraggly beard and admitted cowardice even as he saved the United States with his leet hacker skills (seriously. McClane was pretty much there to beat people up and keep him alive while Matt Farrell went on to save the eastern seaboard. And he managed to look cute doing it, even covered in dirt and dust and no small amount of blood). Just... yes. I liked Matt. Or maybe I just like Justin (what can I say, he was my favorite character in Ed, and even though he went on to do several stereotypical college party-campus movies, I can't find it in me to hate him in any way).\

* Lucy McClane was also as awesome as it is possible to be. She is so very much her father's daughter
Lucy: "You need to find yourself a bigger set of balls if you want to survive this."
Matt: "Wow. I recognize the tone but it is so weird hearing it coming from someone with... hair."
WHEE! HACKER/ACTION HERO'S DAUGHTER LOVE! I'm pretty sure their kids will end up ruling the world

* Tuvoc was in it! He has gotten old.

* Also? Kevin Smith - yes, Jay and Silent Bob Kevin Smith - plays a 30something balding guy who lives in his mother's basement. He is also one of the greatest hackers *ever*. Just when you didn't think the movie could get any cooler. ;) Or dorkier, depending on how you look at it.

* I think McClane only went through about 6 cars this time around, too. Maybe his insurance rates will finally go down. Though he did kinda ruin a few helicopters. And an F-16 (or an F-something). And was partially responsible for the power grid of the entire eastern seaboard blowing up, though in his defense it was only because the bad guy directed all the natural gas he had access too to that area in hopes of blowing him up along with it.

Thats all I can think of gushing about for the moment. Long and short of it? Live Free or Die Hard kicked ass. Now all I have to do is watch the first three movies to see if I missed any in jokes or amusing references. ;)

die hard, awesomeness, movies

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