Oh, yeah. I said I would post those last three fic recs today. Not that anyone cares, but yay fic!
Again with the crossovers, because I am a crossover whore. Next on the list is a particular favorite.
Pardition Redux by Shan. John is wormhole surfing and it goes a little unstable, which then spit him out into Mal's universe, right in front of Mal's shuttle on his way back from a rather nice payment. They both end up having to emergency land on the nearest planet/moon/whatever, and of course they run into some Revers. There is also a lot of male, *human* bonding, the kind you can only do with a stranger you're never going to see again, so it's not necessary to keep any secrets or hold anything back. John gets a little taste of Earth, Mal sees a little piece of Earth That Was, and they both leave feeling a little closer to home.